

  • It’s rare that I use Facebook; however there a few sites that I have “liked” and therefore, receive information from those sites.
  • I have a few OT friends on FB, but we are usually discusssing family, fun stuff, not O.T. per se.
  • I think email works best for me to encounter and utilize O.T. material and events.
  • I have not got a desire to hook into Twitter or Instagram–especially not for O.T. purposes.
  • Sometimes I enjoy a good journal, to hold, because sitting and reading a screen just gets old and exhausting frankly.
  • share craft and treatment ideas
  • we are not allowed to advertise without consulting our medical body which has so many clauses that one has to  complete and abide to – hence i used it only be out there because i have been invited.
  • I find great ideas to incorporate into therapy using simple craft items and activities from Pinterest!