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193 search results for: sensory autism


Potty Training a Child with Autism – How You Can Help

Potty training a child with autism can be a challenging but rewarding journey. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents unique challenges in the potty training process, making it essential for parents and other caregivers to approach this important milestone with patience, understanding, and specific strategies tailored to their child’s needs. This guide will provide helpful tips […]


Enhance Motor Skills in Autism With Parent Interventions

In the realm of child development, especially for autistic children, the development of Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) is crucial. FMS are the building blocks of more complex movements and are essential for children’s physical and cognitive development. However, autistic children often face challenges in developing these skills naturally. This highlights the need for effective interventions, […]


Autism and Walking – What Does the Research Say?

Walking, often taken for granted, becomes a topic of great interest when observed in the context of disorders such as autism. While many aspects of autism have been extensively studied, the interrelation between autism and walking is still being unraveled. This article aims to shed light on this relationship by delving into the most frequent […]


Autism Teaching Strategies

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has long been a topic of discussion and research within the education and health sectors. When it comes to education, finding evidence-based autism teaching strategies is so important. With a myriad of research suggesting various methods, learn more about some of the most effective approaches to teaching students with autism, combining […]


Emotional Regulation, Language, and Autism

The ability to control, evaluate, and modify one’s emotional responses, known as emotion regulation, is a key skill that significantly impacts early childhood. This skill is directly associated with a range of positive outcomes, including improved academic performance, better relationships with peers, and reduced emotional issues. As children grow, they transition from relying on caregivers […]


Accommodations for Students with Autism

Students with autism require specific accommodations to support their learning and social interactions within the classroom setting. Special education teachers play a vital role in creating an inclusive environment that addresses the unique needs of these students. Educators can facilitate their understanding, minimize anxiety, and promote social skills development by implementing appropriate accommodations. Here are […]


Sensory Processing and Interoception

Sensory processing and interoception, two critical aspects of human physiology and cognitive perception, play significant roles in children’s development. Sensory processing pertains to the way the nervous system receives, organizes, and interprets information from our senses. It is fundamental for children to interact with their environment and learn from it effectively. On the other hand, […]


Motor Skills in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Motor skills are an important aspect of daily living activities for all people, but they can be especially challenging for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Occupational and physical therapists play a vital role in helping adults with ASD develop the motor skills they need to function independently. Recent research took a closer look at […]