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193 search results for: sensory autism


5 Best Answers to a Child’s Questions to Encourage Executive Functioning Skills

Today’s post is by a guest blogger, Paige Hays, OTR.  She is an occupational therapist who provides in-home, pediatric occupational therapy services in the south metro area of the Twin Cities, MN through Paige Hays, Therapy Services, LLC. She is a mother of 2 girls, avid DIYer, and a highly skilled and experienced OT. She specializes in […]


Sleep and Children with Cerebral Palsy

CanChild has published another excellent resource which is entitled Keeping Current In Sleep Issues Among Children with Cerebral Palsy. Here are some highlights: Studies show that rates of sleep disturbances in children with cerebral palsy are actually quite similar to the general population and affect about one third of children. Certain aspects of CP are […]


Top 10 Blogposts from 2014

Here are the top 10 blogposts viewed during 2014: 1.  Self Regulation Games for Children: 2.  12 Printable Halloween Freebies 3.  5 Ways to “Write” Your Name without Writing Letters 4.  Motor Planning Activity Using Pool Noodles 5.  Early Predictors Of Autism – Self Regulation and Sleep Patterns 6.  Self-Improvement Worksheet 7.  Sensory Based Problem […]


Want to Improve Motor Learning? Go to Sleep.

  Researchers from the University of Montreal taught a group of subjects a new sequence of piano-type finger movements on a box.  Using functional MRIs, the subject’s brains were analyzed during their performance of the task before and after a period of sleep. In addition, the same test was performed by a control group at the […]


10 Tactile Requests Versus Verbal Requests for During Therapy Sessions

Recently, the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities published research comparing responses to verbal versus tactile requests in children with congenital blindness, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  For trial one, requests were given verbally.  For trial 2, tactile requests were given. The results indicated the following: 1. All students perceived tactile symbols to be explicit […]


Twitter Hashtags for Pediatric OT and PT

Twitter continues to grow in popularity as a social media site. When you are watching television or advertisements there are frequently Twitter hashtags for people to follow along the Twitter stream about the different topics. Well there are even a few hashtags for pediatric occupational and physical therapy.  Here are some of the ones that […]


Weighted Vest and Challenging Behaviors

Developmental Neurorehabilitation published a single case study that analyzed the effects of a weighted vest on the aggressive and self-injurious behavior of a young boy with autism. An ABAB design was used where the boy wore a 5 pound weighted vest or no vest. The results indicated that the weighted vest had no marked effect […]


Prevalence of Toe Walking

Pediatrics will be publishing research on toe walking in children.  A recent study looked at almost 1500 five and half year old children from Sweden.  For children with a diagnosis of developmental delay or neuropsychiatric disorders, such as an autism spectrum disorder, more than 40 percent of children were currently or had been toe-walkers. The […]