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193 search results for: sensory autism


Self Regulation Skills Curriculum – Move Work Breathe

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION As a part of your school’s positive behavior supports or IEPs, are you working to teach self-regulation skills? Do you have have children who need tier II and tier III interventions for sensory or emotional-behavioral issues? Do you want to designate an area in your room or school where you go with children […]


New Handwriting App – Handwriting Heroes Created By an OT

Handwriting Heroes is a new handwriting app developed by Cheryl Bregman who is an occupational therapist.  You may be familiar with her from another amazing app she created Abilipad which is a customizable keyboard and adaptive notepad, with word prediction and text-to-speech.  I asked Cheryl to answer a few questions about her career and her development […]



Intervention and CP Pediatric Neurology published research on  a study comparing 40 children under six years old with cerebral palsy and the intensity of rehabilitation services.  One group underwent one year of rehab services 2 times per week.  The other group, received one month of twice daily, rehab services followed by 2x/week services for five months and […]



PVLM and Walking A recent study indicates that the severity of  periventricular leukomalacia as seen on infant MRI’s are related to the ability to walk at 12 and 18 months of age but not the quality of walking. Reference:   Annick Ledebt, Geert J.P. Savelsbergh, Lilian T.L. Sie and Marjo S. van der Knaap Walking and periventricular leukomalacia: […]



QUESTION #1:  Are you a OT/COTA or a PT/PTA? QUESTION #2:  What is the most common diagnosis (i.e. cerebral palsy, autism, sensory processing disorder etc.) that you encounter when working with children?  Please type the diagnosis in the box.   Want to post a response to commentary?  e-mail response and we will review it and […]


Vibration Threshold and Toe Walking in Children

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research comparing distal vibratory perception threshold and sensation in 11 children who toe walked and 15 controls.  The mean vibration perception threshold at the metacarpal and metatarsal phalangeal joints was calculated for each participant.  In addition, the Short Sensory Profile was completed by each participant’s parent or caregiver.  The results indicated […]