Brain Gains Documentary

If you are interested in how exercise effects learning in the classroom this documentary is a must see video. It is about 15 minutes long. It covers a special education classroom in Canada that use treadmills followed by academic sessions. The teacher reports excellent results. Here is the link –

Assistive Technology Links

I am not usually one to support a web page full of links but this is an informative one. Disability Info website has a great page of links for assistive technology articles and publications to access. It is jammed pack with links but it is easy to weed through the information. There are links for […]

Focus and Gum Chewing

Lots of news today regarding a recent study indicating that chewing gum improved students scores on math testing (read more at NBC). Need some more justification to teachers and parents as to why you recommend chewing gum for certain children, check this out. Click on bottom right to view in full screen.

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Earth Day Activities for Pediatric Therapists

Earth Day is this Wednesday, April 22, 2009. Why not incorporate the theme into your therapy sessions. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Earth Day Crafts: Create collages out of recycled materials. The children can cut up recycled cardboard or magazines to create a collage. Perhaps think of a theme such as healthy foods or […]