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Custom Yoga Mats – Focus on Therapist Small Business Owners

I am continuing this series taking a closer look at small businesses that are owned and operated by Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapists.  Today, the focus is on custom yoga mats created by Rebecca, a Pediatric Physical Therapist. Q:  First just tell a little bit about yourself – job experience, years on the job, etc. […]

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3 Simple Mandalas to Color to Help Relieve Stress – Free!

Mandala means “circle” or “center.” Coloring mandalas can help to encourage relaxation, relieve stress, facilitate creativity and balance the body.  Here are three simple mandalas to color to help to calm the body.  They are perfect to add to a quiet corner or calm down kit in the classroom. Check out Yoga Cards at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/yogacards.html […]

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Yoga Cards – Downward Dog Pose

This Downward Dog Yoga Pose is a free sample from Yoga Cards. The purpose of the downward dog pose is to: 1.  improve balance. 2.  stretch the back and the hamstring muscles (back of the thighs). 3.  strengthen the shoulders, arms and the core muscles. 4.  stimulate the vestibular system with the inverted position of […]

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Heart Rate, Motor Skills and Children with Autism

Physiology & Behavior published research on 20 children – 10 with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 10 control subjects to determine how the heart rate adjusts during different physical tests. Each participant was evaluated using the Eurofit Physical Fitness Test Battery with constant heart rate monitoring. In addition, their parents completed the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. […]