Easy To Print Now

Wanted to let our readers know that it is now super easy to print our blog post. Just click on the button at the end of each post that says Print/ PDF.It will automatically only show the body of the post with pictures. If you don’t want to print the pictures just click on them […]

Running Speed and Learning

The hippocampus is responsible for attention, processing short term memory into long term memory and spatial navigation. During periods of concentration and learning, electrical signals called gamma rhythms are produced in the hippocampus. Recent research conducted in mice revealed that when running speed increased the gamma rhythm increased in the hippocampus. The researcher states the […]

Using Task Analysis for Documentation

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research using task analysis and a scoring code for donning coats in preschool children. The 171 preschool children were scored three times per year and the data revealed the following: at first scoring 22 children were able to put on coat independently and 149 required help at final scoring 75 of […]


If you follow this blog you know I am always posting about the importance of children being active especially outdoors. For the first time on this past Friday night, we went birdwatching. Now, my first thoughts when we decided to sign up for a guided birdwatching walk were not too positive. I love the outdoors […]

Most Popular Blog Posts during 2010

Here are the top 10 most popular blog posts during 2010: 1. Motor Planning and Graded Movement 2. Homemade Assistive Devices 3. iPhone Applications and Occupational Therapy 4. Encouraging Tummy Time Handouts 5. Social Story Resources 6. Self Regulation Activities 7. Bilateral Coordination Eye Foot 8. Handwriting Practice on the Interactive Whiteboard 9. 5 Ice […]

20 Free Downloads from 2010

Here is a list of 20 free activities we posted on the website during 2010: 1. Winter Handwriting Activities 2. Artist Trading Cards Lesson Plan 3. Tangrams for Kids 4. Fabric Creation Lesson Plan 5. Visual Motor Exercises 6. Imagination Action Journey 7. Dressing Skills Sample Page 8. Wax String Activities Sample Pages 9. Follow […]