Exercise and Behavioral Problems

A recent study was published in Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions on using exercise to decrease problem behaviors in boys. Using a multiple-baseline across-participants design, three boys participated daily in eight exercise sessions lasting from 1-20 minutes during the school day. Following the exercise intervention, two of the boys reduced the challenging behaviors to zero […]

Communication Check List

Go to www.YourTherapySource.com to download the free check list. Now that the school year is in full gear and schedules are set it is time to settle in and get to know all of the students or clients on your caseload.  In order to do this you will need to make sure that you communicate […]

$10,000 Fitness Cash for Your School

Here is an interesting contest to enter from Henkel.  All you need to do is nominate your school by answering some questions about what your school is doing now to keep fit and what you would do with the $10,000.  They are giving away $30,000 total – $10,000 at each level of elementary, middle and […]

Physical Activity Boosts Emotional Health

As therapists, we frequently provide physical activities for children to promote muscle strengthening, range of motion, balance, motor skills and coordination. We must not forget that physical activity also helps to boost the social and emotional health of children. Physical, active play can help children to: express emotions such as smiling and laughing negotiate with […]

Sensory Over Responsivity and Risk Factors

A large study was recently conducted with 1159 twins on sensory over-responsivity.  Data was collected via phone interviews to parents when the twins were 2 years old regarding emotional behaviors and sensory experiences (auditory and tactile).  Medical records were reviewed again when the children were 7 years old.  The results from the study indicated the […]

Color Versus Black and White Pictures

For those of you who use social stories and visual schedules you may find this research interesting and helpful (save you some money on color ink).  A recent study had 22, 4-6 year olds, create stories with either color or black and white pictures.  The stories that the children created were then analyzed on word […]

Motor Skill Interventions in Early Childhood

A review of the research was conducted on the benefits of motor skill interventions on the development of fundamental motor skills. The results indicated that a significant positive effect was found on the development of fundamental motor skills following motor skill interventions of planned motor activities. Similar improvements were seen in object control and locomotor […]

Design Your Own Sensory World

Stumbled across this website that is AMAZING! And free of course which makes it more amazing!!! You can design and decorate your own sensory house. There are sensory rooms, lounges, bedroom, kitchen, sensory garden and more. There is visual and auditory feedback so it makes it suitable for different learning abilities. All you have to […]