External Factors and School Function Survey Results

The results of the recent survey on external factors and school function are complete. Thank you to the hundreds of people who responded.

The results of the recent survey on external factors and school function are eye-opening for sure! THANK YOU to everyone who responded! We asked our readers of pediatric therapists, teachers, counselors, parents, and more several questions about how external factors such as the effects of the pandemic, 1:1 devices, more screen time, etc. is affecting […]

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Your Opinions on the Effects of Tablet Use on the Overall Development of Young Children

We asked and 264 of you responded on what effects you think tablets and smartphones have on the overall development of young children.  Here are the highlights: 61% of the respondents were pediatric OTs. 53% of all respondents think that tablet/smartphone use delays social development in 0-5 year old children. 36% of all respondents think […]