Turn Taking

Learning turn taking is an essential skill for children as it helps them to develop social competence, self-regulation, and communication skills. Turn taking allows children to understand the importance of sharing, waiting patiently, listening actively, communicating effectively, and respecting others’ opinions. Mastering turn-taking can enhance a child’s cognitive development as they learn how to plan, […]


Social Pragmatic Goals Speech Therapy

Are you looking to implement social pragmatic goals in speech therapy? Read on for some helpful information and ideas. Many of the populations we work with as speech-language pathologists (SLPs), including individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), traumatic brain injuries (TBI), attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD), developmental language disorder (DLD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and those with […]

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Speech Production and Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy

Recent research examined changes in speech skills of children who have hemiparesis and speech impairment after participation in a constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) program.  The participants in the study included 18 children with hemiparesis and co-occurring speech impairment who participated in a 21-day clinical CIMT program. The Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-2 (GFTA-2) was used to evaluate […]

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Where is the Therapist Clip Charts

Check out these adorable, new Where is the Therapist clip charts to indicate where you are in the school building.  Therapists are frequently traveling throughout the school from classroom to classroom or traveling from school to school.  These signs will certainly come in handy for when school staff needs to ask a question or stop […]

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Working Conditions Survey Results for School Based Therapists

The working conditions survey results for school based therapists have been summarized.  As you can see from the results, there were 431 responses to the questions about working conditions.  Frankly, I was shocked that close to 79% of the school based therapists felt that a national organization should be formed to establish working condition standards ( […]

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Visual Motor Integration Skills and Speech Sounds

Perceptual and Motor Skills  published research on visual motor integration skills in children with speech sound disorders (SSD).  A SSD is defined as a “persistent difficulty with speech sound production that interferes with speech intelligibility or prevents verbal communication of messages”.  Visual motor integration (VMI) is defined as the coordination of visual and motor functioning, which is closely related […]

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If School Based Therapists Gave Themselves Stickers….

School based occupational, physical and speech therapists are frequently handing out stickers at the end of session for a job well done by a student.  What if one day we started giving stickers to each other for a reward.  What would yours say?  Share in the comments! Need rewards for your students instead of stickers? […]

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Early Motor Skills and Language Development

Early motor skills may affect language development Hayley Leonard, Goldsmiths, University of London and Elisabeth L Hill, Goldsmiths, University of London Learning to sit up, crawl and walk are all major milestones in a child’s early development – and parents often record these actions in baby diaries, photographs and videos. Developing motor skills allows the […]

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Brain Breaks and RTI

To celebrate the 2015 ASHA Better Hearing and Speech Month in May, Speech Language Literacy Lab has partnered with 30 professionals from various fields to share tons of free resources and ideas across discipline about School Based Innovation and Response to Intervention (RTI).  See the end of the post for all the great ideas! School […]