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Do School Based Therapists Work Over the Summer?

Do School Based Therapists Work Over the Summer

Do school based therapists work over the summer? Many times school based therapists are asked if they work over the summer.  For the past few months, the Your Therapy Source survey asked this question.  One of the reasons was to determine a general idea of whether school based occupational or physical therapists work over the […]


3 Evidence Based Reasons to Incorporate Movement into Classroom Instruction

Here are 3 evidence based reasons why teachers should incorporate movement into classroom instruction: increases student interest, motivation (Vazou et al., 2012), and learning (Braniff, 2011). improves content knowledge, skills, and test scores in core subjects such as mathematics and reading fluency (Adams-Blair & Oliver, 2011; Erwin, Fedewa, & Ahn, 2013; Browning et al., 2014). […]

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Working Conditions Survey Results for School Based Therapists

The working conditions survey results for school based therapists have been summarized.  As you can see from the results, there were 431 responses to the questions about working conditions.  Frankly, I was shocked that close to 79% of the school based therapists felt that a national organization should be formed to establish working condition standards ( […]

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Mindfulness and Yoga for School Children

Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.  Research has indicated that mindfulness in school children may help to improve: 1.  emotional well being. 2.  learning  and  associated cognitive  processes,  such  as  attention,  focus  and  executive function skills. 3.  mental health. 4.  physical health (reduction in […]

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Flexible Seating Ideas – Free Visuals!

Do you suggest or use alternative seating to keep children alert and focused in the classroom?  Here are  20 FREE flexible seating ideas picture word cards for alternative seating in your classroom. Scroll down to download your 20 alternative seating picture word cards for free. These visuals are an excellent compliment to: Wiggle Worms: A […]

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Proper Positioning for Keyboarding Rubric

Here is a free rubric on the proper positioning for keyboarding from the Keyboard Rubrics digital download.  School based occupational and physical therapists are frequently involved in evaluating positioning needs in the schools including computer stations.  With more and more children spending countless hours in front of a computer screen, proper positioning is essential to […]

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5 Reasons to Provide Push In Therapy

Whether you work in the schools or in the home, here are 5 reasons to provide push in therapy within a child’s natural environment: 1. You have the chance to see first hand during each session what functional tasks or skills need improvement. 2. The child’s normal daily routine is not interrupted. If it is […]

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Teachers’ Perceptions of School Based OTs

The Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools and Early Intervention published research examining the results of a online survey completed by 47 teachers and how they perceive the role of the occupational therapist. The results revealed the following:  most of the teachers viewed occupational therapists as valuable team members.  the teachers reported limitations to the system […]

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Tips for Positive Communication with Parents

School and Home Communication Forms for Therapists

Parents are an integral part of the special education team. They know the most about their children’s strengths, weaknesses and personal preferences. Therapists and other school staff need to include parents in all decision making for children. Here are some tips on improving your communication with parents: 1. Always start off a conversation stressing a […]

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Electronic Medical Records – Pediatric Therapy

Are you familiar with electronic medical records abbreviated as EMR?  For most school based occupational and physical therapists, electronic medical records are not being used in school districts.  Some school districts do run software programs to generate and monitor progress for students’ IEPs. I recently had the chance to view a demonstration of an EMR […]