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Predictive Power of Executive Functions, Visual-Motor Coordination and Physical Fitness on later academic achievement

Predictive Power of Executive Functions, Visual-Motor Coordination and Physical Fitness on Later Academic Achievement

Predictive Power of Executive Functions, Visual-Motor Coordination and Physical Fitness on Later Academic Achievement Are you concerned when you see young children enter kindergarten who may not be ready?  The concern is usually for a good reason.  When children do not arrive with school readiness skills it can affect later academic achievement.  Human Movement Science […]

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Physical Fitness, Self Control and ADHD

The Journal of Psychophysiology investigated the relationship between physical fitness and resting-state electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations in 28 children (23 boys and 5 girls) with ADHD.   In addition, each child completed a battery of physical fitness assessments including flexibility, muscular endurance, power, and agility tests. The results indicated the following: 1.  ADHD children with higher […]

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Extra Physical Activity and Academic Achievement

Research on the impact of physical activity intervention program on academic achievement was published in the Journal of School Health. The study provided 408 twelve year olds with an additional two hours per week of extra play and motion activities. The control groups were three different schools (matched for male/female ratio, average level of income, […]

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Physical Fitness and White-Matter Tracts in Children

Frontiers in Neuroscience published research looking at the diffusion MRIs of 24 nine and 10-year-old children to determine an association between aerobic fitness and the brain. The study showed that children who are more aerobically fit have more fibrous and compact white-matter tracts in their brains than children who are less fit. More specifically, the […]