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5 Must Reads for New School Based Therapists

Are you new to the world of school based therapy?  If so, here are 5 blog posts that will help you hit the ground running.  8 Getting To Know You Activities for School Based Therapists – pick a few of these ideas to get to know your students and for your students to get to […]

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Motor Skills, ADHD and Medication

Research in Developmental Disabilities published a review of 45 research articles analyzing the motor skills of of children (between 6-16 years old) with ADHD  and the influence of medication on their motor skills. The results indicated the following: 1.  more than half of the children with ADHD have difficulties with gross and fine motor skills. […]

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Strengthening Versus Balance Exercises for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

The American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation published research on 30 children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) comparing the effects of muscle strengthening exercises versus proprioceptive-balance exercises on lower extremity function. Each child was evaluated for pain, passive range of motion, muscle strength, balance, and functional abilities using the Numeric Rating Scale, goniometer, handheld […]

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8 Simple Tips to Empower Students to Reach Their Goals

Here are 8 simple tips to help students reach their goals: 1. Change up the tools, toys or activities that you are doing. It may be just as simple as approaching the skill using a different tool or material. 2. Change the environment. Perhaps trying accomplishing the skill outdoors, in a quiet room or with […]

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Educate! Educate! Educate!

As pediatric occupational and physical therapists we always need to remember that one of the most important, if not the MOST important, aspect of our job is to educate.  We need to let students, teachers, school staff and parents know what we do and why we do it.  Without buy in from all team members […]

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Self Regulated Strategy Development

Self regulated strategy development (SRSD) is an instructional model to teach writing strategies to students.   SRSD has been researched and shown to result in significant and meaningful improvements in writing knowledge, writing quality, writing approach, self-regulation skills, and motivation.  School based occupational therapists may focus on the actual skill of handwriting and also the […]

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Top 10 Blogposts of All Time

With the end of the year approaching, here are the top 10 blogposts of all time from Your Therapy Source:10.  10 Tips for New Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapists http://yourtherapysource.blogspot.com/2013/08/10-tips-for-new-pediatric-occupational.html9.  Letter School App Review http://yourtherapysource.blogspot.com/2011/12/letter-school-app.html8.  5 Make and Take Therapy Ideas for Summerhttp://yourtherapysource.blogspot.com/2013/05/5-make-and-take-ideas-for-summer.html7.  Motor Planning and Graded Movementhttp://yourtherapysource.blogspot.com/2009/04/motor-planning-and-graded-movement.html6.  Scissor Skills – Not So Cut and Dryhttp://yourtherapysource.blogspot.com/2009/07/scissors-not-so-cut-and-dry.htmls 5.  […]