
Occupational and Physical Therapists Have Special Gifts

Ever notice how as pediatric occupational therapists and physical therapists, we observe children through a different lens than most?  You may see and analyze a child’s actions very differently than the teacher in the room or the parent at home.  This observational skill seems to improve vastly when you become a parent yourself and watch […]

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Self Regulation Skills and Developmental Coordination Disorder

The Journal of Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics published observational research on self regulation skills and developmental coordination disorder (DCD).  The study included 15 children, with and without DCD and examined the differences in children’s use of self-regulatory and metacognitive skill during motor learning.  The self regulatory behavior of the participants was observed using […]


Improving Gait Speed in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Physical Therapy published a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of interventions for improving gait speed in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy (CP).  Twenty four studies were divided into three categories of interventions: gait training (n=8), resistance training (n=9), and miscellaneous (n=7).  The analysis indicated that: gait training was effective in increasing gait speed. resistance […]

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Mindfulness and Yoga for School Children

Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.  Research has indicated that mindfulness in school children may help to improve: 1.  emotional well being. 2.  learning  and  associated cognitive  processes,  such  as  attention,  focus  and  executive function skills. 3.  mental health. 4.  physical health (reduction in […]

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Q&A with the Creators of EazyHold – Flexible Universal Cuffs

Once in awhile, a new product hits the market that can be a game changer.  In my opinion, the EazyHold flexible universal cuffs, appear to have accomplished this by helping children (and adults) with physical disabilities.  Since I have a big interest in entrepeneurship, I thought it would be great to hear about the story […]

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Proper Positioning for Keyboarding Rubric

Here is a free rubric on the proper positioning for keyboarding from the Keyboard Rubrics digital download.  School based occupational and physical therapists are frequently involved in evaluating positioning needs in the schools including computer stations.  With more and more children spending countless hours in front of a computer screen, proper positioning is essential to […]

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Will My Child with Cerebral Palsy Walk?

If you are a pediatric physical therapist who works with young children you have most likely been asked by parents “will my child with cerebral palsy walk?”  Many times the response is based on evaluation results, clinical experience and research. Disability and Rehabilitation published the results of a systemic review on 1123 identified articles on prognostic […]

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Clothing Fasteners and Gross Motor Skill Development

GROSS MOTOR SKILLS AND CLOTHING FASTENERS Buttons, zippers, snaps and buckles are all clothing fasteners that require finger dexterity and fine motor skills to open and close.  Did you know that they also require gross motor skills?  In order to be able to open and close traditional clothing fasteners one must have proper stability, postural […]