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Stretch Break for Kids – FREE!

Stretch Break for Kids: This is a free download to put on computers to remind children to take a break from computer time and stretch. There are a few great things about this program:1. It’s free!2. You can program the sequence and frequency of the stretches.3. There are a few stretches that are great proprioceptive […]

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Empower Children with Disabilities By Creating Works of Art

Here is some motivation to get children with disabilities to express themselves through art. The Anne Carlsen Center is sponsoring Accessing the Artist Within. This purpose of this program is to introduce children with disabilities various ways to express themselves through art using assistive technology. The submitted artwork will be displayed on a website. In […]

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Sensory Motor Groups in Children with Down Syndrome

The current issue of Pediatric Physical Therapy has published research on sensory motor groups for children with Down Syndrome. The researchers compared 2 groups of children with Down Syndrome (10 children total ages 13-29 months of age). One group received only individualized interventions and the other group received the individualized interventions along with 10 weekly […]

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Turn Fine Motor Skills into Gross Motor Skills

Here is a sample activity idea from our electronic book, Motor Magic: Turn Fine Motor Skills into Gross Motor Skills. This is a fun, outdoor activity that encourages fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, motor planning, gross motor skills and balance. The electronic book has 25 activity ideas incorporating fine and gross motor skills and […]

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Benefits of Short Bouts of Physical Activity

A recent study in the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity offers some exciting research regarding physical activity in boys. The researchers studied physical activity levels in 47 boys(ages 8-10 years old)using accelerometry for seven days. After the seven days they measured waist circumference, aerobic fitness and microvascular function. The researchers discovered that the boys performed […]