
Hip Flexion Measurements for Cerebral Palsy

The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery published research comparing three examination tests to determine the degree of hip flexion contractures in children with cerebral palsy. Thirty six subjects withe cerebral palsy and 37 subjects without cerebral palsy were evaluated with the Thomas Test, the Staheli test (prone hip extension test) and hamstring shift test. […]

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Are You Effective?

Considering it is mid school year, it may be time to evaluate your skills as a therapist. Are you effective? Sometimes, children miss extensive class time due to therapy sessions. Is it worth their while? Annual review time is quickly approaching and therapists should be thinking about what is working and what is not working. […]

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Early Intervention Success Stories

Do you ever need to explain to parents the benefits of early intervention? Maybe convince some that early intervention services can make a huge difference in a child’s life? Check out these videos from Pathways Awareness. There are video stories of children with varying abilities who have shown great success with pediatric therapy services.


Exercise Programs in Males Versus Females with Cystic Fibrosis

An interesting study was published in The Journal of Pediatrics comparing the fitness levels of males and females with cystic fibrosis. A 6 week inpatient rehabilitation program was conducted with 158 females and 186 males subjects (ages 12-43 years) with cystic fibrosis. Lung function, peak oxygen uptake, peak workload, and peak heart rate were measured. […]