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Self Regulation, Cognitive Abilities and Motor Disabilities

Research in Developmental Disabilities published research on secondary and post-secondary student with congenital motor disabilities.  By examining a task of throwing a ball at a target, data was collected on self-regulatory aspects (i.e., goal-setting, self-efficacy and self-evaluation). Participants were divided into four subgroups: 1.) normal cognitive development and mild physical disabilities 2.)normal cognitive development and […]

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Using Scaffolding or Chaining to Reach a Goal

  At times, all children need some help to achieve big goals.  Whether it be a lofty IEP goal that you inherited, a large project the student needs to complete or a complex motor skill often times it is easier to break it up into smaller, more manageable chunks.  Teachers call it scaffolding and therapists […]

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Modifications/ Interventions to Help Children Sit Still in the Classroom

The Summer/Fall survey results have been posted.  Read all about the modifications and interventions that work best according to over 150 pediatric occupational and physical therapists to help students sit still in the classroom.  Based on 175 responses, the #1 intervention to help students sit still was having the teacher incorporate movement into lesson plans. […]

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Light Touch, Postural Sway and Children with Autism

Gait & Posture published research comparing 16 children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and 16 typically developing children (TD) to determine the effects of a light fingertip touch on postural control.  Postural sway was measured with a force platform in different conditions: anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions, light fingertip touch (LT) and no touch […]

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Physical Activity and Adolescents with Autism

Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly published research on a questionnaire completed by 35 adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 60 typically developing (TD) adolescents comparing physical activity enjoyment, perceived barriers, beliefs, and self-efficacy.   The results indicated the following: fewer adolescents with ASD enjoyed team sports – 65% vs. 95% of TD adolescents. fewer adolescents […]

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Pool Noodle Quick Fix

Do you have any students who need just a little extra reminder of where the chair ends?  Maybe an external cue of where to put their hips?  Grab a pool noodle.  Measure it to fit the seat of the chair and cut off the excess.  Use some duct tape and strap it to the chair. […]

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ADHD, Motor Activity and Executive Functions

Research in Developmental Disabilities published a study on the motor activity of boys (age 8–12 years) with (n = 19) and without (n = 18) ADHD during different executive function tasks.  Motor activity was objectively measured during two working memory tasks, a choice reaction time task (less demand on executive functions) and a reaction time […]

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Practice Makes Progress Not Perfect

Here are two new motivational posters for occupational and physical therapy.  Always remember we are not looking for perfection just progress! To purchase the Practice Makes Progress OT poster click here https://www.yourtherapysource.com/posterpracticeOT.htmlTo purchase the Practice Makes Progress Not Perfect PT poster click here https://www.yourtherapysource.com/posterpracticePT.html