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Educate! Educate! Educate!

As pediatric occupational and physical therapists we always need to remember that one of the most important, if not the MOST important, aspect of our job is to educate.  We need to let students, teachers, school staff and parents know what we do and why we do it.  Without buy in from all team members […]

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Occupational Therapy Month Poster

Start to get ready for OT Month coming in April.  Print and hang up this sign to get started.  You can download the FREE OT month sign at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/otmonth3.html or check out the signs from previous years. Need ideas to celebrate?  Check out previous blog posts: 10 Things to Do to Celebrate OT Month at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/2009/04/07/10-things-to-do-to-celebrate-ot-month/ Minute It […]

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5 Ways for Pediatric Therapists to Snap Out of a Funk

  Ever have the blues at your job?  Feeling like you are stuck in a rut?  Here are 5 ways to snap out of a funk as a pediatric occupational or physical therapist: 1. Remember why you chose this profession – to help others. 2. Connect with other therapists to ask for help establish a […]