
Help Needed to Get SPD in DSM-5

The Sensory Processing Foundation has provided information for OT’s, PT’s, parents, teachers or any professional with experience in sensory processing disorder on how to comment on the APA website to include sensory processing disorder in the DSM-5. Check out the SPD Foundation webpage to read sample comments and how to reigster on the APA website.

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National Inventor’s Month August 2009

Did you know that August is National Inventor’s Month? Why not incorporate this theme into some therapy sessions or carry over activities for at home? Here are some suggestions to help celebrate: 1. Working together with a child, determine a task that is difficult for them to achieve. See if you can create a simple […]

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Benefits of Short Bouts of Physical Activity

A recent study in the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity offers some exciting research regarding physical activity in boys. The researchers studied physical activity levels in 47 boys(ages 8-10 years old)using accelerometry for seven days. After the seven days they measured waist circumference, aerobic fitness and microvascular function. The researchers discovered that the boys performed […]