
Physical Status, Feeding Behavior and Autism

Recent research was published to investigate the physical status and feeding behavior among 23 children with autism, ages 5-16 years old (higher enrollment of males).  A 3 day food record was collected using a parent questionnaire, the Brief Assessment of Mealtime Behavior Inventory, the Food Preference Inventory and nutrient intake.  Physical status was evaluated using height, […]

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Postural Care A to Z Free Resource

Another great resource found on Facebook.  This resource was shared by Sparkle Occupational Therapy.  It is an award winning document entitled The A to Z of Postural Care from the University of Kent.  The document discusses various types of adaptive equipment, manual handling, emotional support, inclusive education and the golden rules about equipment use.  Then […]

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Personal Space Journey – Body Awareness Freebie

Here is a freebie page from Personal Space Journey which is a collection of activities to teach children about maintaining personal space.  You can download the body cards at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/personalspacejourneyfreebie.html Here are some suggestions to use the cards for: 1.  Musical Body Poses:  Scatter the cards around the room.  Move to music.  Turn the music off. […]

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Database for Rehabilitation Measures – Most are FREE!

In my Facebook feed, HeartSpace Physical Therapy for Children , shared a link to a database of over 200 rehabilitation measures.  Many of them are FREE and available in PDF format.  It doesn’t get any easier than that for a last minute assessment.  Some of the resources are for the pediatric population so it is definitely […]

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Pica and Children with Autism – What Works?

The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders published a review of medical records from 11 children with pica who were treated at a severe behavior program over the last 12 years.  All 11 children had autism except one.  Although the interventions for pica were not the same for every child, they shared similar techniques such […]

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Penguin Pencil Challenges Freebie

Get more information on the latest download – Penguin Pencil Challenges at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/pencilchallengespenguin.html Here are some free sample pages from Penguin Pencil Challenges to practice visual motor skills. You can download them at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/pencilchallengespenguinfree.html [subscribe2]    

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Handwriting Size and Children with Autism

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders published a study of  26 boys with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and 17 typically developing children and their ability to regulate the size and consistency of fundamental handwriting movements when using writing guides.    Each participant wrote a series of four cursive letter l’s using 10 mm and 40 mm writing […]

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Top 10 Blogposts from 2014

Here are the top 10 blogposts viewed during 2014: 1.  Self Regulation Games for Children: https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/blog1/2009/06/19/self-regulation-activities/ 2.  12 Printable Halloween Freebies https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/blog1/2014/10/24/12-printable-halloween-freebies/ 3.  5 Ways to “Write” Your Name without Writing Letters https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/blog1/2014/07/09/5-ways-to-write-your-name-without-writing-letters/ 4.  Motor Planning Activity Using Pool Noodles https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/blog1/2014/10/02/motor-planning-activity-using-pool-noodles/ 5.  Early Predictors Of Autism – Self Regulation and Sleep Patterns https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/blog1/2014/09/22/early-predictors-of-autism-self-regulation-and-sleep-patterns/ 6.  Self-Improvement Worksheet https://www.yourtherapysource.com/blog1/blog1/2014/06/03/self-improvement/ 7.  Sensory Based Problem […]

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Motor Performance and Social-Communicative Impairment in Children with ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published research on 11 children with ADHD – Combined Type (ADHD-CT) and 10 typically developing children as the control group.  Each child participated in an upper limb Fitts’ aiming task to measure motor performance and the Social Responsiveness Scale t0 measure social-communicative/autistic impairment. The following results were recorded: Children with ADHD-CT […]