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Light Touch, Postural Sway and Children with Autism

Gait & Posture published research comparing 16 children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and 16 typically developing children (TD) to determine the effects of a light fingertip touch on postural control.  Postural sway was measured with a force platform in different conditions: anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions, light fingertip touch (LT) and no touch […]

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Physical Activity and Adolescents with Autism

Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly published research on a questionnaire completed by 35 adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 60 typically developing (TD) adolescents comparing physical activity enjoyment, perceived barriers, beliefs, and self-efficacy.   The results indicated the following: fewer adolescents with ASD enjoyed team sports – 65% vs. 95% of TD adolescents. fewer adolescents […]

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Pool Noodle Quick Fix

Do you have any students who need just a little extra reminder of where the chair ends?  Maybe an external cue of where to put their hips?  Grab a pool noodle.  Measure it to fit the seat of the chair and cut off the excess.  Use some duct tape and strap it to the chair. […]

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Try One More Time

During pediatric therapy sessions children are frequently encouraged to try just one more time. Here is an inspirational poster to remind us that the path to success requires many trials and even errors but never give up! To find out more about the full color, high quality 11″x17″ poster go to https://www.yourtherapysource.com/postertry.html.  To see the other […]

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Heart Rate, Motor Skills and Children with Autism

Physiology & Behavior published research on 20 children – 10 with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 10 control subjects to determine how the heart rate adjusts during different physical tests. Each participant was evaluated using the Eurofit Physical Fitness Test Battery with constant heart rate monitoring. In addition, their parents completed the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. […]

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Neurobiology of Sensory Overresponsivity in Children with Autism

JAMA Psychiatry published research on the neurobiological basis of sensory overresponsivity (an extreme negative reaction to sensory stimuli) in youth with autism.  Since more than half of youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have sensory overresponsivity (SOR)  the researchers wanted to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the differences in brain responses, habituation, and connectivity during […]

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Exercise, Academic Engagement and Children with Autism

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research exploring whether participation in aerobic exercise before classroom activities improves academic engagement and reduces stereotypic behaviors in 4 classrooms of  24 children (ages 3-6 years old)  with autism spectrum disorder. Methods: This study consisted of a treatment condition of 15 minutes of  aerobic exercise followed by a classroom task and a control […]

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Self Care Skills – Predictor of Employment Success for Individuals with Autism

Recent research studied survey responses, interviews and basic self care assessments of basic daily tasks, such as bathing, brushing their teeth, cleaning and preparing meals, of 81 adults with moderate to severe autism. The results indicated the following: 1.  only 45% were employed. 2.  after taking into account symptom severity and communication ability, having good self-care […]

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Motor Development in Children at Risk for Autism

Longitudinal research was published evaluating the development of 20 children at risk for developing autism (older sibling diagnosed with autism).  Each child was completed motor, face processing, IQ and diagnostic assessments at 9 months and 40 months of age and an additional follow up assessments at ages 5-7 years old. The results indicated the following: […]