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Exercise, Academics and Autism

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research on the effects of aerobic exercise on academics in young children with autism. In the experimental phase of the treatment, the children participated in 15 minutes of aerobic activity prior to academic tasks. In the control phase, the children only completed the academic tasks. The results indicated a significant difference […]


Toe Walking and Autism

The Journal of Child Neurology published research on a review of records of 934 children with a history of tight heel cords and toe walking. Toe walking (20.1%) and tight heel cords (12%) were present more often in the 324 children with autism but lower in 30 children with Asperger Syndrome (10% with toe walking […]

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Executive Function

The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University has published a paper entitled Building the Brain’s “Air Traffic Control” System: How Early Experiences Shape the Development of Executive Function. This paper provides an overview on executive function and how it develops in children. Executive functions include working memory, inhibitory control and cognitive or mental […]

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Sensory Integration or Fine Motor Interventions?

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published a pilot study comparing sensory integration versus fine motor interventions in children with autism. Children with autism or PDD were divided into two groups, with 20 children receiving sensory integration treatment and 17 fine motor skill treatments. The participants received eighteen, 45 minute treatment sessions during a 6 […]


Therapy Balls in the Classroom

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published a single subject design research study on the effectiveness of using therapy ball chairs on classroom participation in children with autism. Six boys with autism spectrum disorder were assessed using video recordings during circle time when they were sitting on the therapy balls. The results indicated that each […]


Apps and Autism

There are thousands of applications available for the iPhone and the iPad. For those of you who work with children with autism it can be difficult to know where to start when you search the applications that are available. A few people have written some informative blog posts on apps and autism. Check them out […]


Processing Sensory Information and Autism

Autism Research has published research on how children with autism process multisensory information. Using brainwave EEG recordings, the researchers were able to determine that the 17 children with autism (ages 6-16 years) did not process multisensory information (MSI) as efficiently as the control group without autism. John Foxe, PhD, one of the co-authors of the […]

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Feeding Patterns of Autistic Children

Pediatrics published research on young children with autism and their feeding habits. Questionnaire data was compiled on 79 children with autism at 6, 15, 24, 38 and 54 months of age. Results indicated the following for the children with autism compared to control group: late introduction of solids after 6 months with slow feeding characteristics […]