
First Hand Accounts of Sensory Preferences

The Australian Occupational Therapy Journal published research on three adolescent males with autism using a semi-structured interview protocol supplemented with visual cues to enhance the understanding of the way people with autism spectrum disorder experience sensory input.  The results indicated the following:  preferences for expected, predictable and controllable sensory input unexpected, unpredictable and uncontrollable sensations […]


Motion Perception and Autism

The Journal of Neuroscience has published research on enhanced motion perception in children with autism.  Previous studies have reported that children with autism can have enhanced visual perceptual skills with static objects but this is the first study that indicated an enhanced perception of motion which may help to explain why some children with autism […]

Feeding Difficulties and Autism

The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders has published an analysis of the research related to feeding problems and autism.  The review indicated the following: significantly more feeding problems in children with autism versus their peers examination of dietary nutrients showed significantly lower intake of calcium and protein in children with autism The researchers recommend […]

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Handwriting, Motor Skills, Motor Memory and Autism

A poster presentation at the 2012 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting researchers reported on a small study using a digital tablet to record precise handwriting metrics of 12 boys with autism, 8 with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 12 controls. The tablet measured pen pressure, strokes, speed and precise letter formation while the children […]


Motor Skills, Emotions and Autism

Autism published research on the relationship between motor skills, emotional/behavioral disturbances and autism.  The sample consisted of 22 children with Asperger’s disorder (AD), 23 children with high functioning autism (HFA), 8 children with low functioning autism (LFD) and 20 typically developing children.  Two assessments were completed for each child: Movement Assessment Battery for Children to measure of […]

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Culture and Sensory Sensitivities

Have you ever considered the influence of culture on sensory sensitivities?  Does being from a different country or upbringing influence sensory preferences?  One would assume the answer is yes but definitive differences would be hard to categorize. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research on a cross cultural comparison of sensory behaviors in children […]

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Proprioception and Autism Spectrum Disorders

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research on proprioceptive processing difficulties among children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and developmental disabilities. A total of 86 children (32 with ASD, 26 children with development disabilities but not ASD and 28 neurotypical children) were scored on the Comprehensive Observations of Proprioception (COP). The COP observes 18 […]


Sensory Processing, Behavior and Cognition in Preschoolers with Autism

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published a retrospective study on sensory processing, problem behavior, adaptive behavior and cognition in 42 preschoolers with autism.  The results indicated the following: a significant relationship between degree of sensory processing impairment and level of problem behavior a weak relationship between sensory processing and adaptive behavior  level of sensory […]