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Physical activity, Math and Children with Autism

Recently, a small research study was completed with 6 elementary students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who participated in a modified single-case design investigation. There was a four-day baseline phase followed by 13 days of an intervention phase that included structured physical activity based on the individual students’ needs, then a reversal phase for four […]

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New Updates on Evidence-Based Practice for Individuals with Autism – Includes Exercise!

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has created an amazing report updating evidence based practices for children, youth, and young adults with autism.   This document is over 100 pages and it goes into extensive detail on how each evidence based practice was included.  I have perused the document and there is relevant information for all pediatric […]

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Vocational Activities and Autism

The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities published research that examined the relationship over time between behavioral functioning (autism symptoms, maladaptive behaviors, activities of daily living) and vocational/educational activities of 153 adults (mean age of 30.2 years) with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The results were the following: greater vocational independence and engagement was related to reductions […]


Sight and Sound in Children with Autism

The Journal of Neuroscience published research on the senses of sight and sound in children with autism.  Vanderbilt University researchers compared 32 typically developing children ages 6-18 years old with 32 high-functioning children with autism, matching the groups in almost every possible way including IQ.These participants worked through many different tasks, mostly all computer generated. […]

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Hippotherapy and Children with Autism

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published a pilot study on 6 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who participated in 45 minute hippotherapy sessions for 12 weeks.  To determine pre and post intervention scores the following were used: the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales–II, the Child Activity Card Sort, force plates and a video motion […]


Sleep Patterns in Children with Autism

The Archives of Disease in Childhood published research on longitudinal sleep patterns in 73 children with autism.  Parental reports of sleep duration were collected 8 times from 6 months to 11 years old.  The results indicated the following: from 30 months to 11 years old children with autism sleep 17-43 minutes less than their peers […]

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Sleep and Children with Autism

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities published research on the sleep problems and symptom severity in children with autism.  Using mother’s reports, 109 children with autism (without any co-morbid diagnoses) were studied.  The following results were reported: positive correlation between the severity of sleep problems and the severity of autism symptoms  sleep onset delay and sleep […]

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Vocational Interventions for Young Adults with Autism

Pediatrics published a systemic review on vocational interventions for young adults (ages 13-30 years of age) with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  Only 5 studies were included and all were of poor quality.  The main focus of the research articles utilized on-the-job supports as the vocational/employment intervention.  The results of the short term studies indicated the […]

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Better Motor Skills = Better Adaptive Behavior Skills in Children with Autism

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders published research on 233 children ages 14 to 49 months diagnosed with autism. The researchers examined the relationship of motor skills on the adaptive behavior composite, daily living, adaptive social and adaptive communicative skills while holding constant the age, non-verbal problem solving, and the severity of autism. The following results […]