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Variations in Sensory Processing and Autism

[subscribe2] The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities published research to determine if sensory processing varies along the autism spectrum.  Continuous EEG recordings were made to determine how fast the brains of 43 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)  were processing either a simple auditory tone, a visual image (red circle), or a tone combined with an […]

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Benefits of Tai Chi for Children

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese type of exercise program with its roots coming from martial arts. It emphasizes a mind body connection using slow, gentle movements, meditation and deep breathing. Tai chi requires all the major muscle groups and joints to complete the slow, gentle movements. Tai chi has been shown to improve balance, […]

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Early Predictors of Autism – Self Regulation and Sleep Patterns

The Journal of Early Intervention published research on identifying early predictors prior to a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) at 4 years of age. Data was analyzed on 100 children comparing children with ASD to children with other disabilities and children who were typically developing. The results indicated the following: 1. limited unique characteristics […]

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Effects of Weighted Blanked on Sleep Problems in Children with Autism

Pediatrics published research on a randomized phase III trial determining the effectiveness of a weighted-blanket intervention in treating severe sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Sixty seven children were randomized into a weighted blanket group or a control group (regular blanket). The blankets were introduced at bedtime and used for a two […]

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5 Suggestions to Increase Family Involvement

Here are some simple suggestions to increase family (child, parents, siblings, other care givers, etc.) involvement in a child’s therapy plan of care: 1.  Ask the family what their goals are in terms of therapy.  Collaborate to create appropriate goals. 2.  Take your time and be attentive.  Don’t rush the family when talking about the […]

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Lack of Sleep Increases Obesity and Body Fat in Children

Pediatrics has published a large study linking reduced sleep and childhood obesity.  The children who consistently received less than the recommended hours of sleep during infancy and early childhood had increases in both obesity and in adiposity or overall body fat at age 7. Insufficient sleep was defined as less than 12 hours per day from […]

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10 Tactile Requests Versus Verbal Requests for During Therapy Sessions

Recently, the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities published research comparing responses to verbal versus tactile requests in children with congenital blindness, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  For trial one, requests were given verbally.  For trial 2, tactile requests were given. The results indicated the following: 1. All students perceived tactile symbols to be explicit […]

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Sensory Based Phenotypes for Autism?

Autism Research recently published research examining whether sensory differences can be used to classify subgroups of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  The Short Sensory Profile was completed on 228 children with ASD ages 2-10 years old.  The results indicated the following: 1.  four distinct sensory subtypes were identified – (a) sensory adaptive (b) taste smell […]