
Sensory Processing and Anxiety – What is the Relationship?

Sensory processing and anxiety are intricately linked in children and adolescents. Research has shown that altered sensory processing is associated with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders (ADs) in youth. Understanding these connections can help parents, educators, and mental health professionals support children who face these challenges. Understanding Sensory Processing in Children Sensory […]

504 Plan for Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues affecting children and adolescents in the United States. A 504 plan for anxiety is a written plan designed to help students with anxiety disorders succeed in a school setting. The 504 plan is named after Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, a federal civil rights […]

3 Strategies to Help with Anxiety in Children

Anxiety can be very difficult for children resulting in considerable stress with negative consequences on daily living skills. There are many strategies to help with anxiety in children.  Many children with co-morbid conditions such as autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disabilities are at greater risk for anxiety.  Parents, teachers and children can learn strategies to […]

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Sensory Modulation, Anxiety and Ritual Behaviors

What comes first – difficulties with sensory modulation, anxiety or ritual behaviors?  In children, it can be very hard to determine how the three are all inter-connected if at all.  The Journal of Physical and Occupational Therapy published research investigating the relationships between sensory responsiveness, anxiety, and ritual behaviors in 48 boys (ages 5-9) with […]

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Benefits of Tai Chi for Children

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese type of exercise program with its roots coming from martial arts. It emphasizes a mind body connection using slow, gentle movements, meditation and deep breathing. Tai chi requires all the major muscle groups and joints to complete the slow, gentle movements. Tai chi has been shown to improve balance, […]

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Sensory Responses, Anxiety and ADHD

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research on the relationship between ADHD, sensory overresponsivity and anxiety. Forty eight children in total were studied with and without ADHD. The children were assessed using the Sensory Over-Responsivity Inventory and the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS). Results indicated that the children who had ADHD and sensory […]