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ADHD, Medication and Handwriting

Journal of Attention Disorders published research on 49 children newly diagnosed with ADHD to determine how motor and attention skills influence handwriting performance.  The children were evaluated for handwriting performance before and after 3 months of stimulant use. The results indicated the following: 1.  handwriting legibility and speed improved significantly at follow-up evaluation after the […]

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Motor Skills, ADHD and Medication

Research in Developmental Disabilities published a review of 45 research articles analyzing the motor skills of of children (between 6-16 years old) with ADHD  and the influence of medication on their motor skills. The results indicated the following: 1.  more than half of the children with ADHD have difficulties with gross and fine motor skills. […]

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Physical Fitness, Self Control and ADHD

The Journal of Psychophysiology investigated the relationship between physical fitness and resting-state electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations in 28 children (23 boys and 5 girls) with ADHD.   In addition, each child completed a battery of physical fitness assessments including flexibility, muscular endurance, power, and agility tests. The results indicated the following: 1.  ADHD children with higher […]

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Motor Performance and Social-Communicative Impairment in Children with ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published research on 11 children with ADHD – Combined Type (ADHD-CT) and 10 typically developing children as the control group.  Each child participated in an upper limb Fitts’ aiming task to measure motor performance and the Social Responsiveness Scale t0 measure social-communicative/autistic impairment. The following results were recorded: Children with ADHD-CT […]

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Benefits of Tai Chi for Children

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese type of exercise program with its roots coming from martial arts. It emphasizes a mind body connection using slow, gentle movements, meditation and deep breathing. Tai chi requires all the major muscle groups and joints to complete the slow, gentle movements. Tai chi has been shown to improve balance, […]

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ADHD and Handwriting

Journal of Attention Disorders published research on kinematically characterizing the handwriting of 14 boys with ADHD-combined type and 14 typically developing boys. The boys wrote a series of four cursive letter ‘l’s using a graphics tablet and a stylus. The results indicated the following: 1. Children with ADHD-CT had more inconsistent writing size than did […]


Improving Executive, Attention, and Motor Skills Preschool Children With ADHD with Parent and Child Groups

The Journal of Attention Disorders published research on 29 (4 to 5 year old) children and their parents who participated in group sessions with 3-5 children per group.  The training sessions consisted of introducing games that would help to enhance inhibitory control, working memory, attention, visual spatial skills, planning skills and motor skills.  The parents […]

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Feedback and Reaction Time in Preschoolers with ADHD and ODD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published research on the reaction time in preschoolers with ADHD with and without oppositional defiant diorder (ODD).  Preschoolers who had ADHD with and without ODD and neurotypical preschoolers participated in a computerized reaction time study consisting of two conditions – simple reaction time and reinforced simple reaction.  The following results […]

Handedness and ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published research on hand preference and its association with ADHD, severity symptoms, age, gender, comorbid psychiatric problems, or parental characteristics. Participants included 520 children (mean age of 9.04 years). Each subject was assessed for handedness, inattention severity, hyperactivity severity, oppositional behavior symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and developmental coordination problems. The results […]

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Disorganization, Coordination Disorder and ADHD

The Journal of Child Neurology published research on the association of attention deficit and disorganization in boys with and without specific developmental disorder of motor function. The study included four groups of 120 boys ages 7-12: 1.) disorganization plus coordination 2.) coordination disorder 3.) disorganization 4.) control.  The results indicated a significantly increased rate of […]