
Auditory and Visual Attention in Children with ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published research examining auditory and visual attention in 50 children (ages 6-12) with ADHD compared to 50 typically developing peers. There are many differences between processing auditory information versus visual information.  For example, information in the auditory channel is temporally sequenced and shorter when compared to visual information, which is richer in […]

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Letter Reversals and ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published a large study on 1109 children with possible ADHD to examine the relationship of static reversals, handedness and gender to reaction time variability (RTV).  If ADHD was present, the child was rated as mild, moderate or severe. Using parent report and observation, the age at which the children were […]

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Physical Exercise and Functional Outcomes in Children with ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published a meta-analysis on the possible beneficial effects of exercise in alleviating ADHD functional outcomes in children.  After searching various databases, 10 studies for a total of 300 participants on the effects of physical exercise on motor skills and executive functions in children with ADHD were included.  The analysis revealed the […]

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Comparing Motor Impairments: Autism versus ADHD

The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders published research to examine the evidence regarding motor impairment specificity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).   It is difficult to determine if there is evidence for specificity of motor impairment within different clinical groups.  For example, are certain motor impairments associated with specific diagnoses?  Previous research indicates […]

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Movement Scaling, Handwriting and ADHD

Journal of Attention Disorders published research on 14 boys with ADHD and 14 typically developing boys ages 7-15 years old.  Each child was assessed while writing a 10 mm and 40 mm cursive letter ‘l’.  The results indicated the following: the boys with ADHD were unable to maintain their writing accurately at 40 mm, falling […]

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Physical Activity, Affect and Executive Functioning in Boys with ADHD

The Journal of Attention Disorders published research on two studies to investigate the role of physical activity on the affect and executive functioning of children with symptoms of ADHD. One study explored the association between physical activity and affect in the daily lives of children with varying degrees of hyperactivity.  The second study randomly assigned children […]

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Using Scaffolding or Chaining to Reach a Goal

  At times, all children need some help to achieve big goals.  Whether it be a lofty IEP goal that you inherited, a large project the student needs to complete or a complex motor skill often times it is easier to break it up into smaller, more manageable chunks.  Teachers call it scaffolding and therapists […]

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Modifications/ Interventions to Help Children Sit Still in the Classroom

The Summer/Fall survey results have been posted.  Read all about the modifications and interventions that work best according to over 150 pediatric occupational and physical therapists to help students sit still in the classroom.  Based on 175 responses, the #1 intervention to help students sit still was having the teacher incorporate movement into lesson plans. […]

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ADHD, Motor Activity and Executive Functions

Research in Developmental Disabilities published a study on the motor activity of boys (age 8–12 years) with (n = 19) and without (n = 18) ADHD during different executive function tasks.  Motor activity was objectively measured during two working memory tasks, a choice reaction time task (less demand on executive functions) and a reaction time […]

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ADHD, Fidgeting and Improved Performance

The Journal of Abnormal Psychology published research to determine if hyperactivity with ADHD is a deficit or a compensatory behavior.  The researchers compared the working memory (WM) performance and attention in boys aged 8–12 years  with ADHD (n = 29) and typically developing children (TD; n = 23).  Each child’s phonological WM and attentive behavior was evaluated during four counterbalanced WM tasks […]