Participating in fine motor activities for toddlers is an important part of their development and should be encouraged from an early age.

Toddlers learn through play and parents and teachers both play an important role in providing successful opportunities in fine motor activities. Toddlers use their small hand muscles and small muscles of the fingers to reach and grasp objects. They also use them to draw and color simple shapes and lines and feed themselves with a […]



Classroom Job Ideas FREE printables

Are you looking for new and innovative ideas to assign classroom jobs? There are so many classroom job ideas that will help keep your students organized and engaged. So, whether you’re looking for a way to motivate your students or simply want to make the day-to-day operations of your classroom run a little more smoothly, […]

Fall Gross Motor Activities

As the days grow shorter and the weather cools off, it’s a great time to get outside and enjoy some fall gross motor activities. These activities are perfect for getting your kids moving and helping them burn off some energy. Rainy, blustery, day? No problem there are plenty of ideas to get the kids moving […]


Fine Motor Activities for Kindergarten

There are so many fun fine motor activities for kindergarten to include in your lesson planning or free play time at home.

Kindergarten can be a scary and exciting time for both parents and children! They have transitioned from the toddler stage of learning all new fun experiences by exploring their home environment. They have also transitioned from the preschool stage to participating in school readiness activities from a preschool classroom or home. Kindergarten now provides the […]

Interest Inventory for Students

completing an interest inventory for students. This can help each individual student identify potential careers and hobbies.

Do you want to encourage your students to find their interests and explore careers? A good way to start is by completing an interest inventory for students. This can help each individual student identify potential careers and hobbies. There are many different types of student surveys when it comes to career ideas and suggestions. This […]

Fine Motor Activities for Infants

Encouraging fine motor activities for infants is so helpful when it comes to healthy child development. Read activity ideas!

Fine motor skills are when we use the small muscles of our fingers and hands to reach and grasp objects. It is an exciting moment when parents observe infants reach developmental milestones as their babies explore their new world! Encouraging fine motor activities for infants is so helpful when it comes to healthy child development. […]


Kinesthetic Learners

Did you know that some students learn best through movement? These students are called kinesthetic learners.

Did you know that some students learn best through movement? These students are called kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic learning is a type of learning where a person learns best by doing things rather than just hearing or seeing the information.  Teachers and parents can help these types of learners learn by using different teaching methods and […]

Strategies to Help with Attention Span

These Strategies to Help with Attention Span in the classroom can help all students succeed. Easy to implement!

It is important for teachers to be aware of strategies to help with attention span to keep their students focused and on task. There are a number of different techniques that can be used, and each one may work better for different students. Simple Tips to Improve Attention Span Providing Breaks Students who are struggling […]