Fine Motor Skills in Adolescents

The need for strong fine motor skills in adolescents and examples of activities to improve fine motor skills.

Adolescence is a time for a change in maturation, physical growth, and physical development. Having two teenagers myself, I am very familiar with a day in the life of a teenager. The busy day usually includes activities such as attending school, participating in sports and clubs, eating meals, using technology, socializing, and sleeping. Five out […]

Self Regulation Activities for Toddlers

Use self regulation activities for toddlers to teach the essential self regulation skills they need from toddlerhood through adulthood.

Do you ever struggle to get your toddlers through their daily activities? Are they often overwhelmed and highly emotional, making it difficult to get anything done? If so, self-regulation activities are invaluable in helping them stay calm while still completing the necessary tasks. These self regulation activities for toddlers can provide them with powerful tools […]


Fine motor IEP goals focus on the skills needed in school. Fine motor goal examples for occupational therapists to use are provided.

Fine motor skills are needed in the classroom and in daily life. Children will receive an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for fine motor problems in school once found eligible. Fine motor IEP goals give students a target to work toward in helping students meet their educational needs. Children need strong hand muscles and a pincer […]

Time Management Activities for High School Students

Time Management Activities for High School Students

As a high school teacher, parent, or related service provider, you are undoubtedly well aware of the importance of time management skills for your students. There are so many effective time management activities for high school students that you can use in your classroom. These activities will help your students learn how to better manage […]

Career Planning Activities for High School Students

It is important to provide career planning activities for high school students to help them plan for their futures after high school.

When it comes to planning for their future, high school students can feel overwhelmed, especially in today’s competitive job market. It’s important to provide them with opportunities to explore different career paths and plan for their future after graduation. Here are some fun and engaging career planning activities for high school students. WHY ARE CAREER […]