Bullet Journal Ideas for Students

Starting a bullet journal is not as difficult as it might seem. Bullet journals are any type of notebook that acts as a tracking mechanism for your life; they can help you keep everything organized and in one place. They can be an excellent tool for students and teachers. There are many different bullet journal ideas for students from to-do lists to vision boards.

What is a Bullet Journal?

A bullet journal is essentially a journal that you use to organize your to-do lists, as well as to keep other notes and a log of things that you’ve already done. You do this by using bulleted items, which is where the name comes from.

So, it’s just a book of lists then? Well kind of, but it’s also a fair bit more attractive and useful than a book of lists. Plus, your students will love that they do not require excessive handwriting. Your thoughts are often written down and concise short statements.

To better understand, consider the components of a typical bullet journal and how you might go about setting one up for yourself or your students.

Sections of a Typical Bullet Journal

There are so many ways to use a bullet journal and here are some basic examples.

1. Daily Log and Key. The bulk of your bullet journal will consist of a daily log. Each day, you’ll create a list of items, which will act as a to-do list as well as a place to keep your general notes and ideas you want to jot down.

2. Tracker. Many people include a tracker for their daily logs, which will track such things as workouts, nights that you got more than 7 hours of sleep, and more.

3. Future Log. At the front of the journal will normally be a page for you to plan out your year. You use this similarly to the daily log, except here you might place important key events, things to remember, or goals to achieve. Trackers can also go here.

4. Monthly Log and Weekly Spread. These operate just like the future log, except they work for each month and week.

5. Module. A module is a page that you dedicate to… pretty much anything you want. These typically take the form of lists, but don’t have to. This might mean that you list films to watch, gift ideas, recipes that you want to try, inspiring quotes, rules to live by, or anything else. See below for many student bullet journal ideas.

The great thing about the bullet journal is that it’s entirely adaptable to how you want to use it. And when you apply a little creativity, it can also look very attractive. Happy bulleting!

30 Bullet Journal Ideas For Students

Students can truly create whatever type of bullet journaling pages that they would like. The possibilities truly are endless for bullet journal page ideas. Here are some suggestions to get you started with your personalized bullet journal spreads :

  1. School year – you could dedicate one page to a yearly calendar
  2. Monthly Log with due dates for school projects
  3. Study Tracker – mark off each day to work on creating a study habit
  4. Class Schedule – color code your daily schedule
  5. Important Things – simply list important dates or tasks that need to get accomplished
  6. Important Deadlines – list of your deadlines for the week on one bullet journal notebook page
  7. Grade tracker and studying for exams. include exam times.
  8. Recording thoughts and ideas for essays and papers.
  9. Make a list of books to read and track progress.
  10. Tracking progress on personal goals.
  11. Recording moods and thoughts throughout the day.
  12. Jot down your goals for the new year.
  13. Habit Trackers for when you want to establish any good habits
  14. Semester Overview for College Students – record when you can study, work on big projects and exams.
  15. Brain Dump Bullet Journal Layouts – this is a
  16. Midea to list and draw everything on your mind from new ideas to study material.
  17. Create a list of things that inspire you. 
  18. Write down your goals and track your progress. 
  19. Plan out monthly and weekly food menus for your breakfasts and lunches.
  20. Track your workouts and physical activity. 
  21. Time Management – create a daily calendar with hours listed. This is a great idea for high school students to improve their productivity by listing their daily tasks in different time slots.
  22. Major Projects – use bullet points to list out the steps needs to complete big projects or assignments
  23. Take notes in class.
  24. Draw or sketch your thoughts and ideas. 
  25. Use your bullet journal trackers to make a list of things you’re grateful for. 
  26. Plan out your day the night before. 
  27. Track your spending and budgeting – great for older students!
  28. Keep track of your favorite quotes. 
  29. Vocabulary lists
  30. Vision board ideas for future goals – you could design it like a bucket list.

Bullet Journal Ideas for Student – Ways to Track Your Progress or Format Your Bullet Journal Pages

You might be wondering how you keep all this in one place without it becoming cluttered. You can use a key in order to distinguish different types of notes.

For example, you can use a variety of bullet points to document your progress. Try using crosses, circles, dots, diamonds, checkmarks, and other elements that you predefine.

A good way to make your bullet journal look “pretty” when you are done is to use different colors to mark off that you have completed the tasks or to represent different topics (such as your emotions or It is a good idea for your student to create a bullet journal key for reference which will explain what each of these things means.

While it’s completely up to you or your students to determine what kinds of items you want to include, you’ll typically have a way to indicate: To-do tasks, Tasks already completed, Tasks that are for later, and Notes to yourself. You might also include quotes and other items.

How to Create Your Own Bullet Journal

If you are interested in getting started with all the bullet journal ideas for students, you will need to create your own bullet journal. The best way to get started is simply with a blank piece of paper. For the first time, decide if you want to use a daily page, weekly layout, monthly spread, or any list idea. You can download a few FREE samples pages here.

When you are following this bullet journal method, be sure to make it your own. Add stickers, washi tape, drawings, etc to jazz up the journal pages.

What are the Benefits of Using Bullet Journals?

As you can see from the list of bullet journal ideas for students, there are many benefits such as helping with:

Want to Get Started With A Habit Tracker Right Now?

If you want goal setting and mood charts for all year long, the complete Goal Sheets for Students includes 18 different trackers. These goal sheets make it easy for students to keep track of their progress to achieve a goal from start to finish. Hopefully, they will help make school life just a little bit easier.