
Research Based Strategies for Teaching Letter Recognition – Try Handwriting

Teaching children how to learn their letters is an important skill in young children.  When you consider different research based strategies for teaching letter recognition, do you think of handwriting practice?  Maybe you think of writing the letters specifically, but research shows that writing in general can help with letter recognition.

Teaching children how to learn their letters is an important skill in young children.  When you consider different research based strategies for teaching letter recognition, do you think of handwriting practice?  Maybe you think of writing the letters specifically, but research shows that writing in general can help with letter recognition. Research Based Strategies for […]

Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Helps with Motor Planning and Head Control

Do you work with children who have unilateral cerebral palsy? If so, you are familiar with constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) and hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy (HABIT). A recent study was published in the Journal of Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics that quantified the changes in joint movement control and motor planning of the more-affected upper extremity during a reach-grasp-eat task in children with Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy.

Do you work with children who have unilateral cerebral palsy? If so, you are familiar with constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) and hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy (HABIT). A recent study was published in the Journal of Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics that quantified the changes in joint movement control and motor planning of the […]

Social Skills, Motor Skills and Autism

How are social skills, motor skills, and autism associated with each other? Previous research indicates that deficits in communication, social skills and motor skills are characteristics of individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

How are social skills, motor skills and autism associated with each other? Previous research indicates that deficits in communication, social skills and motor skills are characteristics of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Research Review on Social Skills, Motor Skills and Autism A systematic research review examined the relationship between social skills, motor skills and autism.  […]

What is Self-Regulation?

The answer to the question,what is self-regulation, can be very complex.  In simple terms, self-regulation is the ability to monitor and manage your energy states, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that are acceptable and produce positive results such as well-being, loving relationships, and learning.  

What is the Definition of Self-Regulation? Self-regulation is the ability to monitor and manage your energy states, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that are acceptable and produce positive results such as well-being, loving relationships, and learning. It is how we deal with stressors and as such, lays the foundation for all other activity. Developing […]

Vestibular System in Children and Cognitive Development

Have you ever observed associations between the vestibular system in children and cognitive development or behavioral outcomes?  If you are a pediatric Occupational or Physical Therapist,  you most likely have worked with children who have varying degrees of vestibular dysfunction. 

Have you ever observed associations between the vestibular system in children and cognitive development or behavioral outcomes?  If you are a pediatric Occupational or Physical Therapist,  you most likely have worked with children who have varying degrees of vestibular dysfunction.  A recent study examined closely the association between vertigo and cognitive and psychiatric conditions among […]


Behavior Problems in the Classroom? Research says increase physical activity!

Do you have behavior problems in the classroom? Recent research indicates that increasing physical activity may help.

Do you have behavior problems in the classroom? Recent research indicates that increasing physical activity may help.  Sounds easy right? Well, how much physical activity? What kind of physical activity? These are all important details that need to be looked at closer when we look at strategies for behavior problems in the classroom. Previous research […]