Reading and Movement Activities

Did you know that reading is associated with movement activities? Some research indicates that higher levels of physical activity and lower levels of sedentary time are associated with better brain structures and functions in children.

Did you know that reading is associated with movement activities? Some research indicates that higher levels of physical activity and lower levels of sedentary time are associated with better brain structures and functions in children. With more and more classrooms under the pressures of state testing, academic time becomes a priority and students can be […]

Down Syndrome Therapy Activities to Improve Balance – What Does the Research Say?

A recent study examined using exercises for Down Syndrome therapy activities to improve balance skills. Research review from Physical Therapy.

Research tells us that youth with Down Syndrome exhibit deficits in gross motor skills, fundamental motor skills, balance and postural control. A recent study examined using exercises for Down Syndrome therapy activities to improve balance skills. Types of Balance Balance can be assessed in different ways: static and dynamic or a combination of them both. […]

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Spring Visual Discrimination and Visual Motor Activity

This fun and playful spring visual discrimination and visual motor activity is ready to print and play. Free from Your Therapy Source.

This fun and playful spring visual discrimination and visual motor activity is ready to print and play. You can download it for free at the bottom of the post. Visual discrimination skills are the ability to determine differences and similarities between objects to help us to understand and interpret the environment around us. Visual motor skills, otherwise […]

40 Documentation Terms for Special Education

Do you struggle to find the words to use when you are writing documentation terms for special education, occupational therapy or physical therapy reports?

Do you struggle to find the words to use when you are writing documentation terms for special education, occupational therapy or physical therapy reports?   If you follow my blog or website, you know I love the words “facilitate”, “promote” and “encourage”.  When documenting therapy sessions I tend to overuse the words “completed” and “accomplished”. […]

Visual Spatial Processing Predicts Math and Reading Skills

visual spatial processing skills are a good predictor of later school achievement in reading and math and fine motor coordination skills were associated with better math skills.

Visual spatial processing skills that involve fine motor skills and integrating motor information are very important to develop during the early childhood years. Previous research tells us that early fine motor skills are significantly associated with later achievement. Current research wanted to answer the question how early visual spatial processing skills and fine motor coordination […]

Occupational Therapy in the School Setting Can Help with Academics, Learning and Participation

Recent research explored occupational therapy in the school setting and how it can help with academics, learning and participation.

Recent research explored occupational therapy in the school setting and how it can help with academics, learning and participation. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy completed a systemic research review on the topic. The goal of the research was to determine the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions to improve academic participation of children and youth […]