Gross Motor Skills and Activities for Home

When children are home it is important that they participate in gross motor skills and activities every day. Gross motor skills are larger movement activities such as sitting, rolling, kneeling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping and more!

When children are home it is important that they participate in gross motor skills and activities every day. Gross motor skills are larger movement activities such as sitting, rolling, kneeling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping and more! Many times when children are provided with independent, free play outdoors, they automatically participate in these types of […]


5 Characteristics of Successful Carry Over Activities for OT and PT

Right now everything is changing so rapidly within the school system and there are so many unknowns. Schools are sending home information, activity ideas and review for students all across the country. A few years ago, we asked in a survey “What characteristics of activities or exercises influences successful carry over of recommendations for at […]


Occupational Therapy Teletherapy and Other Related Services – Are You Interested?

Are you interested in setting up Occupational Therapy teletherapy or other related services? This week, I interviewed Beata Klarowska, M.S. CCC-SLP from TheraPlatform to find out how easy it is to set it up and start teletherapy.

Are you interested in setting up Occupational Therapy teletherapy or other related services? This week, I interviewed Beata Klarowska, M.S. CCC-SLP from TheraPlatform to find out how easy it is to set it up and start teletherapy. Can you please provide a brief overview of how teletherapy is delivered to clients? Occupational Therapy Teletherapy or […]

Cerebral Palsy: Wheelchair Positioning and Effects

A recent study on children with cerebral palsy, wheelchair positioning and the short term effects was published. The researchers evaluated the multidimensional effects of adaptive seating interventions for young children with non-ambulatory cerebral palsy.

Often, pediatric Occupational or Physical Therapists work with children who have cerebral palsy and adaptive seating. A recent study on children with cerebral palsy, wheelchair positioning and the short term effects was published. The researchers evaluated the multidimensional effects of adaptive seating interventions for young children with non-ambulatory cerebral palsy. Methodology of the Study The […]