
What is Body Percussion?

What is body percussion? Body percussion is using different parts of the body to make music.  Have you ever stopped to think how may sounds you can make with your body?  You can clap, snap, tap, stomp, click and more.  

What is body percussion? Body percussion is using different parts of the body to make music.  Have you ever stopped to think how may sounds you can make with your body?  You can clap, snap, tap, stomp, click and more.   Why Is Body Percussion a Wonderful Activity for Kids? Research indicates that rhythm and […]


Working Memory and Reading

The results indicated that working memory and reading skills were associated along with other executive functioning skills.

The Journal of Early Childhood Research published research on executive function skills and reading comprehension. The researchers wanted to explore how children’s executive function predicted their reading comprehension performance. The results indicated that working memory and reading skills were associated along with other executive functioning skills. Executive function skills include planning, organization, working memory, initiation, […]

How to Increase Student Participation in School Activities

Are you struggling trying to figure out how to increase student participation in school activities? It can be hard to motivate students to start, to sustain and to increase their levels of participation.

Are you struggling trying to figure out how to increase student participation in school activities? It can be hard to motivate students to start, to sustain and to increase their levels of participation. Here are 11 suggestions to increase student participation in school based activities. Student Choice Allow the students to choose activities.  Have several activities […]

How Does Physical Development Affect Learning?

How does physical development affect learning?  What does the research say? Many are not aware of the potential brain-boosting benefits of physical activity with regard to school performance. 

Most school staff are already aware of the physical benefits of exercise, such as strengthening of the heart and lungs, preventing weight gain, healthy bones, good posture and more. However, many are not aware of the potential brain-boosting benefits of physical activity with regard to school performance.  How does physical development affect learning?  What does […]

10 Fun Upper Body Exercises for Kids

Upper body exercises and shoulder strengthening activities can help children develop the muscles necessary for so many skills such as handwriting, playing catch, reaching, picking up small objects and more.

Stability at the shoulder muscles is an essential component for coordination, postural control and fine motor skill development.  Basically anytime you move your hand and fingers you need your upper body and shoulders to either stabilize or actively contract. Upper body exercises for kids and shoulder strengthening activities can help children develop the muscles necessary […]


Delayed Motor Skills and Autism

As pediatric therapists, teachers and parents, we often observe children with delayed motor skills and autism. Read research on ASD and DCD.

As pediatric therapists, teachers and parents, we often observe children with delayed motor skills and autism. Motor impairments are often present in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). When children are diagnosed with ASD, they are not usually also diagnosed with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). A recent study in Physical Therapy examined the relationship between ASD and […]