Impact of Inclusion on Academic Outcomes for Students in Special Education

Recently a study was published that helps to support the positive impact of inclusion on academic outcomes for students in special education.

Do you wonder how effective inclusion is for students with special needs? Perhaps you are involved in IEP planning and placement meetings where different types of settings are discussed for students and often times anecdotal evidence is provided. Recently a study was published that helps to support the positive impact of inclusion on academic outcomes […]


Lazy 8 Free Printable Train Tracks – Practice Going the “Just Right” Speed

Therapists, teachers, and parents can help children practice self-regulation skills with this lazy 8 free printable train track activity.

Have you heard of practicing getting your body into the “just right” state to be ready to learn? As children develop motor skills and process sensory information they start to understand how their body can move slow, fast and all the speeds in between.  Over time, children begin to learn to self-regulate and determine their […]

Mindfulness Activities for Children

Here are mindfulness activities for young children to help to relieve stress, improve well being, focus and self regulation skills. Your Therapy Source

Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. Research indicates that mindfulness techniques in school aged children can help to improve: sense of well being, ability to focus, relaxation and self regulation.  Although mindfulness practices have not been studied in younger children (i.e. preschoolers) […]

3 Strategies to Help with Anxiety in Children

Anxiety can be very difficult for children resulting in considerable stress with negative consequences on daily living skills. There are many strategies to help with anxiety in children.  Many children with co-morbid conditions such as autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disabilities are at greater risk for anxiety.  Parents, teachers and children can learn strategies to […]

Picky Eating in Low Income Children – Is It Protective Against Higher BMI?

Pediatrics published research on the trajectories of picky eating in low income children in the United States. The researchers wanted to investigate the trajectories of picky eating in 317 low-income 4 to 9 year old children including associations with child BMI z score and maternal feeding-behavior trajectories.

Pediatrics published research on the trajectories of picky eating in low income children in the United States. The researchers wanted to investigate the trajectories of picky eating in 317 low-income 4 to 9 year old children including associations with child BMI z score and maternal feeding-behavior trajectories. Methodology of the Study There were 317 mother-child […]

How to Play Catch with a Friend

10 Ways to Play Catch with a Friend

Playing catch with a friend is always fun but do you ever stop and think about all the skills that are required to play catch? Learning how to play catch involves many skills. Tossing a ball back and forth requires eye hand coordination, visual motor skills, visual tracking, focus, timing, bilateral coordination, visual spatial skills, […]

10 Simple Balance Activities for Kids

Does your child need to practice balance skills? There are many every day activities that help to strengthen children's overall skills to maintain their balance. When children practice these types of skills all day long it is easier to see improvements. Check out these simple balance activities for kids.

Does your child need to practice balance skills? There are many every day activities that help to strengthen children’s overall skills to maintain their balance. When children practice these types of skills all day long it is easier to see improvements. Check out these simple balance activities for kids. WHAT ARE BALANCE ACTIVITIES? Balance activities […]