
Handwriting Speed – 7 Evidence Based Factors for Students

5 Reasons why students may have slow handwriting speed in the classroom

Written output performance in the classroom is associated with handwriting speed.  If the child can not write with an appropriate speed it can be difficult to manage classroom assignments in a timely manner throughout the school day and during homework. School-based occupational therapy services sometimes address handwriting speed and legibility. Handwriting Speed and Occupational Therapy […]

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Positioning for Play

During physical play time, children tend to move through various positions and during sedentary play time children tend to maintain the same position for a longer period of time. For example, when playing hide and go seek children move in all different ways such as sitting, crawling, squatting, walking or running. In contrast, when completing […]

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What are “Normal” Sensory Profiles for Children?

It is important to be mindful that we ALL have sensory preferences. Professionals may use testing to determine children's sensory profiles and preferences.

When you work or parent children with sensory processing deficits, you quickly see how each child is unique and has sensory preferences. It can be easy to fall into the trap that everything is “sensory” or not “normal” behaviors. It is important to be mindful that we ALL have sensory preferences. Professionals may use testing […]

7 Steps of Data Based Instruction

The goal of data based instruction is to improve student outcomes with individualized instruction based on collecting data by monitoring student progress.

Are you familiar with data based instruction? The goal of data based instruction (or data driven instruction) is to improve student outcomes through individualized instruction based on collecting data by monitoring student progress. There are 7 general steps of data based instruction. Identify the Student’s Present Level of Performance In step of data based instruction, […]


Teaching Daily Living Skills to Special Needs Students Using Video Conferencing

Do you work on teaching daily living skills to special needs students? Have you ever considered using video conferencing to learn new activities of daily living?

Do you work on teaching daily living skills to special needs students? Have you ever used video conferencing to teach new activities of daily living? Recent research indicated that using video conferencing to teach daily living skills to individuals with autism spectrum disorder help them to independently perform targeted skills and all targeted skills were […]