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Lazy Eight Handwriting Grand Prix Fine Motor Skill Builder – Free Printables

If you want to practice pre-writing skills, crossing midline, and fine motor skills, check out this FREE printable packet - Lazy Eight Handwriting Grand Prix Fine Motor Skill Builder. You can download it for free at the end of this post.

If you want to practice pre-writing skills, crossing midline, and fine motor skills, check out this FREE printable packet – Lazy Eight Handwriting Grand Prix Fine Motor Skill Builder. You can download it for free at the end of this post. Children can work on improving the flow and control of arm movements, develops eye-hand […]


Hand Motor Function in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy – Benefits of Peer Interaction

A recent study indicated that there are benefits to child-to-child interaction when it comes to hand motor function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy.

Therapeutic activities for children with unilateral cerebral palsy are often suggested to help improve hand motor function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. A recent study indicated that there are benefits to child-to-child interaction when it comes to hand motor function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. What did the study investigate? This study was […]


Classroom Transition Ideas – 10 Tips To Improve Transition Time

Transitioning from one activity to the next requires an extensive amount of skills. Teachers and school staff need help for classroom transition ideas.

Do you have students who have difficulty transitioning from one activity to another?  Maybe they have a hard time transitioning from the classroom to the therapy room or special class. There are many reasons why a student may have trouble with transitions.  Think about all the skills needed for successful transitions: listening skills: students need […]


How to Use Breathing Exercises For Executive Function Skills

How to use breathing exercises for executive function skills to build basic self-regulation skills, de-stress, recharge, and reset to an optimal mind-body state.

Breathing techniques can offer easy-to-practice activities for building basic self-regulation in the body of youngsters and in your classroom. Here are suggestions on how to use breathing exercises for executive function skills. The official definition of executive function is a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one’s resources in […]

5 Everyday Outdoor Activities to Practice Self Regulation Skills

Here are 5 everyday outdoor activities to practice self-regulation skills in children to help them learn how to practice self control.

Self-regulation is the ability of a person to tolerate sensations, situations and distress and form appropriate responses to that sensory input. Simply stated, it is the ability to control behavior. The ability to self regulate in children is a predictor for academic abilities.  Here are 5 everyday outdoor activities to practice self- regulation skills in […]