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Strengthen Cognitive Skills for Reading and Writing

Do you work with students who struggle with letter identification or letter reversals?  Have you run out of fun ideas to practice the skills necessary to determine the differences between similar letters like B and D?  This free maze will help strengthen cognitive skills for reading and writing by working on recognizing the correct letter. […]

How to Help Children Sleep

With the start of school, it is crucial that children get back into a regular sleep routine.  Here are a few suggestions on how to help children sleep.  Children can focus and learn better after a good night sleep.  One of the easiest ways to accomplish a regular sleep schedule is to follow a daily routine.  […]

How to Use Yoga to Reduce Anxiety in Children

The rate of anxiety in children has been increasing over the last several years.  Previous research has indicated that yoga can help reduce anxiety in children.  A recent study examined how to use yoga to reduce anxiety in children.  The study looked at the effects of 10 minutes of daily yoga on the anxiety levels […]


Visual Treatments for Developmental Dyslexia

There is conflicting research on the benefits of visual treatments for developmental dyslexia.  Sensitive visual magnocellular function is essential for learning to read and that the benefits of visual treatments for developmental dyslexia can be seen in many written alphabets and languages.

Visual Treatments for Developmental Dyslexia There is conflicting research on the benefits of visual treatments for developmental dyslexia.  Recently, the article “What is Developmental Dyslexia?” written by John Stein discussed in detail the phonological theory of dyslexia and the pathophysiological visual and auditory mechanisms that can cause phonological problems.  The researcher reports on the importance of […]

Will my child with cerebral palsy run?

Many times as therapists, parents, and teachers may ask will my child with cerebral palsy run?  Of course, we first get the question will they learn to walk but soon after running is the new goal. Recent research highlighted key points to help predict the ability to run in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. 

Will my child with cerebral palsy run? Many times as therapists, parents, and teachers may ask will my child with cerebral palsy run?  Of course, we first get the question will they learn to walk but soon after running is the new goal. Recent research highlighted key points to help predict the ability to run […]


Visual motor skills, executive function and achievement in children

Research was published recently on the association of visual motor skills, executive function and achievement in children (for reading and math scores) for kindergarteners through second graders. 

Visual Motor Skills, Executive Function, and Achievement in Children Research was published recently on the association of visual motor skills, executive function and achievement in children (for reading and math scores) for kindergarteners through second graders. The participants included 259 students enrolled in elementary schools in low-income communities with many sociodemographic risk factors.  The research indicated […]


Can you catch the correct butterflies? Visual Motor Activity

Can you catch the correct butterflies?  Download this freebie from the Catching Butterflies complete packet.  Connect the dots to form the mystery letter.  Once you recognize the letter, catch (circle with your pencil) all of the matching butterfly letters.

Can you catch the correct butterflies? Can you catch the correct butterflies?  Download this freebie from the Catching Butterflies complete packet.  Connect the dots to form the mystery letter.  Once you recognize the letter, catch (circle with your pencil) all of the matching butterfly letters. This printable Catching Butterflies freebie encourages: visual motor skills visual […]