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Crossing Midline Exercises

Crossing Midline Exercises - get your FREE printable at YourTherapySource.com

Do you work with students who have a difficult time crossing midline?  Perhaps they experience visual spatial issues?  These crossing midline exercises can not only help children crossing from left to right or right to left, they also encourage bilateral coordination skills, balance and strengthening. Crossing Midline Exercises #1 – Side bends You can perform […]

Improving Self-Regulation Skills for All Students

A systemic review and meta-analysis were recently completed on improving self-regulation skills for all students. There is an increasing amount of evidence supports the positive associations of self-regulation skills with health, social and educational outcomes.

A systemic review and meta-analysis were recently completed on improving self-regulation skills for all students.  There is an increasing amount of evidence supports the positive associations of self-regulation skills with health, social and educational outcomes. Information about the Study on Self-Regulation JAMA Pediatrics completed a systematic review and meta-analysis of rigorously evaluated interventions through July 2016 […]

Just as we suspected…

Well, with sadness I just finished reading some research that confirms what we suspected. There is a decline in gross motor skills in toddlers.

Pediatric therapists are frequently quoted as saying young children’s motor skills are declining.  Little ones enter school age with decreased fine motor and gross motor skills.  We say “based on my experiences” or “in my clinical opinion” children’s motor skills are suffering.  There is speculation that it is due to “bucket baby syndrome” – too […]


How to Help Students Develop Sensory Strategies that Work

For many students with sensory processing disorder, it is of utmost importance to determine how to help students develop sensory strategies that work to function more efficiently at school.  Of course, there are some students who are not able to express their needs and observational skills and data collection are critical.   Regardless, all students should […]


School-Related Fine Motor Skills – Understanding the Components

School-Related Fine Motor Skills - Understanding the Components

When you search the internet, scour social media and review your textbooks, there are thousands of fine motor activities available to improve children’s fine motor skills.  It can become completely overwhelming just to decide what activity to choose to help a specific child.   It is important to understand the components of school-related fine motor skills.  Just […]

November 2018 Issue of the Your Therapy Source Digital Magazine for OTs and PTs

The November 2018 issues of the Your Therapy Source Digital Magazine for OTs and PTs has been posted.  This 40-page FREE digital magazine includes recent research, tips, and activity ideas. Table of Contents: 3 BEHAVIORS LINKED TO HIGHER MENTAL ABILITY IN CHILDRENWEIGHTED LAP PAD USE AND ENGAGEMENT IN CLASS – SINGLE CASE STUDY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT OF […]

10 Common Principles to Guide School-Based Practice

Recently, Child: Care, Health and Development published a review to look closely at the current evidence and determined 10 common principles to guide school-based practice and offer useful strategies for implementation of those principles in the school setting.

Inclusive education can provide wonderful opportunities for students with disabilities although research indicates that academic success and participation is limited.  Recently, Child: Care, Health and Development published a review to look closely at the current evidence and determined 10 common principles to guide school-based practice and offer useful strategies for implementation of those principles in the school setting. […]