
Binocular Vision Function and Reading Performance in Children

Binocular Vision Function and Reading Performance in Children

Binocular Vision Function and Reading Performance in Children The Journal of Optometry published a retrospective chart review on binocular vision function and reading performance in 121 children who were identified with reading problems according to their IEP. The researchers focused on acuity and binocular vision such as accommodation (focus), vergence (turning the eye in and […]


How to Provide Explicit Instruction to Promote Successful Learning of New Skills

How to Provide Explicit Instruction to Promote Successful Learning of New Skills

How to Provide Explicit Instruction to Promote Successful Learning of New Skills Are you familiar with the instructional approach entitled explicit instruction?  It is defined as: “a group of research-supported instructional behaviors used to design and deliver instruction that provides needed supports for successful learning through clarity of language and purpose, and reduction of cognitive […]


Breathing in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Breathing in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Breathing in Children with Cerebral Palsy Developmental Neurorehabilitation published research comparing breathing in children with cerebral palsy to neurotypical peers.  The participants in the study included 20 children with cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels I-III) and 20 neurotypical children ages 7-11 years old.  To determine the immediate effect of breathing rate on heart rate (HR) and heart […]

Types of Dysgraphia – Symptoms and How to Help

Trouble with the ability to write, regardless of the ability to read? Here is helpful information on the types of dysgraphia, symptoms and how to help.

Do you work with children who have trouble with the ability to write, regardless of their ability to read? Perhaps you have students without cognitive impairment, who continue to struggle with written expression. If you work with students who have ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorder, you may encounter difficulties with written expression as well considering […]


3 Evidence-Based Interventions to Help Students with Written Expression

Evidence-Based Interventions to Help Students with Written Expression

Evidence-Based Interventions to Help Students with Written Expression Did you know that between 6.9% and 14.7% of students have specific writing disabilities, with and without reading problems?  In addition, students who do not have a specific writing disability also struggle.  A National Assessment of Educational Progress writing test indicated that 74% of eighth-grade students and 73% […]

Fine Motor Skills and Vocabulary Development

Fine Motor Skills and Vocabulary Development

Fine Motor Skills and Vocabulary Development Recently, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology published research examining the fine motor skills and vocabulary development in 90 preschool children.  Two experiments were carried out assessing the response latencies to 45 lexical items along with fine motor skills, reasoning, and general receptive/expressive vocabulary.  The 45 lexical items consisted […]

5 Easy Data Collection Ideas to Try Right Now

5 Easy Data Collection Ideas to Try Right Now

5 Easy Data Collection Ideas to Try Right Now We asked and you answered!  Our current survey asked you “What are some of the biggest struggles you have with data collection as a pediatric therapist?”  So many of you have responded NO TIME!  Isn’t that the truth.  School-based therapists’ schedules are jammed packed sometimes across […]