CIMT, Bimanual Therapy and OT Home Programs

CIMT Bimanual Therapy OT Home Programs

CIMT, Bimanual Therapy and OT Home Programs: The British Journal of Occupational Therapy published a research review to determine how bimanual therapy and modified constraint induced movement therapy or constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) methods are used for occupational therapy home programs. A literature search was completed and 5 studies met the inclusion criteria.  The research […]


Strength and Fitness in Homeschool Children

Strength and Fitness in Homeschool Children:  Pediatric Exercise Science published research on 75 homeschooled children ages 8-11 years old comparing them to public school children with regards to muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness.  Each participant completed the curl-up, 90° push-up, and Progressive Aerobic Capacity Endurance Run (PACER) portions of the FitnessGram® to assess abdominal and upper body […]

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Beanbag Alphabet Fun – Gross Motor and Body Awareness Activity

Beanbag Alphabet Fun:  Beanbags are a wonderful tool to encourage physical activity, body awareness, motor planning and coordination skills in children.  They are inexpensive or you can even make them yourself with socks and some rice.  So grab a beanbag for each child and try moving through the alphabet with your beanbag.  You can download […]


Interventions to Help Students Maintain Personal Space

Interventions to Help Students Maintain Personal Space

The personal space and body awareness survey results are complete.  Two hundred sixty pediatric therapists, teachers and parents weighed in on the best modifications and interventions to help students maintain personal space.  Each participant in the online survey answered the two questions: 1.)  Job title or role? and 2.) When a child has difficulty with personal […]

Effects of Stabilization Exercises on Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy

The Journal of Physical Therapy Science published research examining  the effects of stabilization exercises on balance in children with cerebral palsy.  The participants included 11 school aged children diagnosed with cerebral palsy (GMFCS Levels I-III). Each child engaged in stabilization exercises of neck and trunk twice per week for eight weeks with each treatment lasting […]