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5 Interoceptive Sensory Strategies to Induce Sleep

The interoceptive sense perceives the physiological condition of the internal body.  It includes pain, temperature, itch, affectionate touch, sensations from our organs and muscles, hunger, thirst, and air hunger.   It also includes “gut” feelings such as calmness, comfort, contentment, happiness, safety, security and warmth.  The exteroceptive sense perceives external stimulus outside of the body such […]

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Sitting Postural Control, Focused Attention and Cerebral Palsy

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research on whether focused attention changed as sitting postural control improved in 19 children with mild to moderate cerebral palsy (mean age 21.47 months).  Each participant was evaluated for focused attention and sitting scores pre and post intervention.  The intervention consisted of physical therapy sessions (perceptual motor training, home program and […]


Exercise, Behavior and Autism

Autism published a research review on the literature regarding behavioral outcomes of exercise interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder aged less than 16 years old. Thirteen studies were included. The results indicated: exercise interventions consisting individually of jogging, horseback riding, martial arts, swimming or yoga/dance can result in improvements to numerous behavioural outcomes including stereotypic behaviours, social-emotional […]

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Brick Design Activity Pages for School and Home

Here are some sample pages from a great new download “Brick” Activities for School and Home by Michael Callahan, MS, OT.  Created by an OT with 25+ years of experience, these two dimensional designs offer a just right challenge for some students.  Using only 2×2 and 2×4  LEGO® type blocks, children can copy the holiday themed projects, […]

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Push In, Pull Out or Consultation School Based Therapy Survey Results

The results are in from the survey on service delivery model for school based therapy.  There were over 500 responses to the questions!  You can read all the results at Your Therapy Source.   Please take a moment to answer the two question survey on evaluation tools.

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Digital Magazine for Pediatric OTs and PTs

The April 2016 issue of the Your Therapy Source Digital Magazine for Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapists is now available.  Read articles on pre-handwriting skills, postural control, self regulation, toe walking, activity ideas and more!  Check it out below or download the free magazine at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/magazine.html

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Toca Boca Dance App for Motor Planning, Rhythmic Timing and Body Awareness

(This post contains affiliate links) Every so often an app comes along that has to potential to actually get kids to move instead of just stare at a screen.  Toca Boca Dance is a great, fun app with that potential. It is available as a free version which offers quite a bit.  Basically, you dress […]

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Vibration Threshold and Toe Walking in Children

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research comparing distal vibratory perception threshold and sensation in 11 children who toe walked and 15 controls.  The mean vibration perception threshold at the metacarpal and metatarsal phalangeal joints was calculated for each participant.  In addition, the Short Sensory Profile was completed by each participant’s parent or caregiver.  The results indicated […]

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Butterflies, Bugs and Blocks

Print this Butterfly, Bugs and Blocks freebie to practice fine motor, visual motor, visual closure and visual discrimination skills.  You can download the freebie at Your Therapy Source Inc. Need more building block ideas?  Check out the freebies and download with Building Block Patterns and Games.

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Handedness, Language and Autism

Did you know that about 90% of humans are right handed?  Did you also know that research indicates a decreased degree of right-handedness in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)?  In addition, other research found that children with ASD tended to have more mixed-handedness, but that those who had a definite hand preference performed better […]