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Hip Dislocation and Postural Management in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Recent research examined the effect of postural management treatment on hip displacement  in children with cerebral palsy.  The treatment group consisted of 30 children with cerebral palsy who received neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) two times per week and a 5 hour daily use of a molded seat postural program.  The control group (21 children with cerebral palsy) […]

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Video Prompts to Teach Daily Living Skills

Focus on Autism and Other Disabilities published a small, preliminary study on using video prompting with different fading procedures to teach daily living skills to two students with developmental disabilities.  Video prompting shows a short video clip of one step of a task, then the participant completes that step before showing the video of the next step. […]

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How to Start Recreational Programs

As school based therapists, we are required to work towards IEP goals that will help students reach their educational goals.  Many times we know there is so much more we can help to teach children beyond just educational goals.  Have you ever considered starting a recreational or leisure program for children?  How about plan a […]

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Endurance, Walking Capacity and Participation in Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology published research comparing 17 adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy to their typically developing peers to examine the relationship between muscle endurance and subjectively reported fatigue, walking capacity, and participation.  For each participant, knee extensor muscle endurance was estimated from individual load–endurance curves as the load corresponding to a 15-repetition maximum. The […]

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Coordination, Visual Spatial Skills and Handwriting

Frontiers in Psychology published research examining the relationship between motor coordination and handwriting skills, and to identify differences in handwriting between children without and with coordination difficulties with a focus on visual–spatial skills.  Motor coordination, graphic abilities, visual–motor integration, visual–spatial skills, and other cognitive abilities (memory and planning) were assessed in 83 children aged 7–10 years. […]

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5 Fine Motor, Gross Motor and Visual Tracking Activities with Pool Noodles

I LOVE pool noodles. So cheap and so versatile to encourage fine motor, visual and gross motor skills. Here are some things we have done with pool noodles to practice motor skills: 1. Pool Noodle Parts and Colored Chips   2. Pool noodle stick 3. Pool noodle seat 4. Motor Planning and Pool Noodles   […]

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5 Gross Motor Activities for Small Spaces

As school based therapists, we are frequently working on gross motor skills in small spaces.  In my experience, I have worked in crowded classrooms, hallways, under stairwells and even closets.  You have to come up with creative ideas to get students moving without the benefits of a large gym or outdoor space.  Here are 5 […]

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5 Endurance Activities for School or Home

Some students may have difficulties keeping up with their peers in physical education class, recess or walking in a classroom line.  Finding feasible endurance activities can be difficult in the school setting.  One school I worked at actually had a gorgeous work out room with treadmills, exercise bicycles, ellipticals and full nautilus equipment.  The reality […]

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Handwriting and Cerebral Palsy

The Journal of Physical Science published research on 96 elementary school children with cerebral palsy to identify factors influencing handwriting articulation based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) and to recommend effective evaluation and intervention strategies.  The participants were: 54 males, 42 females, average age of 11.16 years old, 54 with […]


Earth Day Ideas to Encourage Fine Motor, Gross Motor and Coordination Skills

1. Earth Day Crafts: Create collages out of recycled materials. The children can cut up recycled cardboard or magazines to create a collage. Perhaps think of a theme such as healthy foods or exercise. Maybe write the child’s name in large bubble letters and glue on the recycled pictures. 2. Earth Day Challenge: Who can […]