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Graded Motor Skill Interventions in Children with Coordination Disorders

Delays in motor skill development may affect academics, activities of daily living, concentration, emotional and social skills.  The Journal of Early Childhood Research reported on a study of children (ages 3-6) with coordination disorders who participated in motor skill interventions over the course of two years.   The Early Years Movement Skills (EYMSC) checklist and the […]

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11 Free Handwriting, Fine, Gross and Visual Perceptual Printables for Summer

Need some quick, easy, ideas for summer time to practice handwriting, fine motor, gross motor and visual perceptual skills?  Check out all of these free printables that are all set to go to entertain and encourage learning in children over the summer. 15 Ways to Play with a Beach Ball – print this out and attach […]

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Custom Yoga Mats – Focus on Therapist Small Business Owners

I am continuing this series taking a closer look at small businesses that are owned and operated by Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapists.  Today, the focus is on custom yoga mats created by Rebecca, a Pediatric Physical Therapist. Q:  First just tell a little bit about yourself – job experience, years on the job, etc. […]

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In Class Sensory Activities and On Task Performance

The British Journal of Occupational Therapy published research on in class sensory activities and on task performance of 4 students with autism using a non-concurrent, AB single system research design across multiple baselines.  Data was collected by school staff using video recording during classroom tasks.  Stage one of the Perceive, Recall, Plan, Perform (PRPP) System of Task […]


Developmental Progression of Playground Skills

The Functional Skills for Kids is a 12-month long series written by occupational and physical therapy bloggers on the development of 12 functional skills for children. This month the topic is the playground.  Each month throughout 2016, we will discuss the development of one functional skill in children addressing the many components of that skill.  […]

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Fine Motor and Visual Motor Ice Cream Activities

The weather is finally warming up which makes ice cream my new favorite dessert (actually I eat ice cream all year long but I love it even more during the summer time).  Here is a brand new Ice Cream packet that includes fine motor, gross motor, visual perceptual and handwriting practice with an ice cream […]