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ADHD, Fidgeting and Improved Performance

The Journal of Abnormal Psychology published research to determine if hyperactivity with ADHD is a deficit or a compensatory behavior.  The researchers compared the working memory (WM) performance and attention in boys aged 8–12 years  with ADHD (n = 29) and typically developing children (TD; n = 23).  Each child’s phonological WM and attentive behavior was evaluated during four counterbalanced WM tasks […]

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Building Block Pattern Freebie

Here are a several free printables from Building Blocks Patterns and Games.  These free sample patterns are full size, ranging from simple to more complex patterns.  The full size patterns make it easier for children to match up the blocks exactly if they need a little extra help to complete the cards.  You will need DUPLO […]

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Physical Versus Mental Practice, Motor Learning and Cerebral Palsy

The Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities published research on the effects of physical and mental practice in acquisition, retention, and transfer of a motor skill in 29 males with cerebral palsy.  The participants were assigned to three homogenous groups; physical practice (n = 10), mental practice (n = 10), and control (n = 9). The experimental groups (physical and mental […]

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Listen for The Code Movement Game

Purpose: Encourage listening skills, following motor commands, self regulation skills and left right directions. Materials: small object i.e. toy car, small doll, etc. Activity: Before you start establish what the movement pattern will be.  Try to write it down so the children can refer to it if necessary.  For example a pattern could be the […]

Play Strong and Review Academic Material Too!

Here is a activity idea similar to one from our electronic book Play Strong – Activities to Promote Muscle Strengthening in Children Through Play This is a four year old boy working on bilateral coordination, upper extremity and trunk muscle strengthening. The equipment needed is a regular size rolling pin and index cards. There are […]

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Back to School Visual Perceptual Puzzle Freebie

Here is a cute freebie from Back to School Visual Perceptual Puzzles, the newest download from Your Therapy Source Inc.  Practice visual motor skills and copying skills on lunch boxes.  You can download the freebie at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/vpschoolfreebie. [subscribe2]   Back to School Visual Perceptual Puzzles –  Download of 12 visual motor, visual spatial, visual closure and visual perceptual challenges […]

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WiiFit, Motor Performance and Cerebral Palsy

The Journal of Physical Therapy Science published research on the effect of training with Nintendo Wii Fit games on motor performance in 40 children with spastic cerebral palsy (6-10 years old and GMFCS Level III).  Participants were divided randomly into equal groups: experimental group that practiced with the Nintendo Wii Fit game for at least […]