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Pool Noodle Stick for Reaction Time, Coordination and Balance

Create this simple pool noodle stick to encourage reaction time, eye hand coordination, balance skills and muscle strengthening.  Read all the details and watch the video at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/videopoolnoodlestick.html [subscribe2] Need more sensory motor activities?  Check out Sensory Motor Game Boards at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/sensoryboards.html.  Just print and play these games that encourage coordination, motor planning, gross motor and balance skills.

Free Handwriting Rubric

A rubric is a scoring guide to judge performance on a specific task. Have you ever wanted to quantify handwriting skills such as letter formation, speed or copying? Here is a FREE Overall Handwriting Rubric to use  as an assessment tool to quantify an individual’s written productivity. By using the rubric, each individual can be scored […]

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Wax String Activities

Here is a sample of some pages from the Wax String Activity book.  These activities encourage visual perceptual skills, eye hand coordination and kinesthetic learning.  Head on over to YourTherapySource at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/waxsample.html [subscribe2]

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Research Review: Physically Active Lessons and Academics

Preventive Medicine published a systemic review on physically active (PA) lessons to increase physical activity during academic time. For a study to be included in the review is must have included the following criteria: 1. classroom lessons containing both PA and educational elements; 2. intervention studies featuring a control group or within-subjects baseline measurement period; […]

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Robotic “Student” Helps Children with Handwriting

Researchers from Switzerland have created a robot to help children improve their handwriting.  It really looks motivating and fun.  The goal is for the child to act as the teacher to help the robot improve it’s handwriting but the end result is that the child improves his/her own handwriting as well.  I have seen other […]

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Link Between Visual and Motor Development in Cerebral Palsy?

Pediatric Neurology published research on 47 children diagnosed with cerebral palsy for  ophthalmic disorders and their association with neurological disorders.   All children were recommended to have comprehensive ophthalmic exams. The following assessments were completed: Gross Motor Function Classification System, Gross Motor Function Measure the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II. The results indicated the following: 1.  ametropia (abnormal […]

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Motor Development in Children at Risk for Autism

Longitudinal research was published evaluating the development of 20 children at risk for developing autism (older sibling diagnosed with autism).  Each child was completed motor, face processing, IQ and diagnostic assessments at 9 months and 40 months of age and an additional follow up assessments at ages 5-7 years old. The results indicated the following: […]