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Self Care Skills – Predictor of Employment Success for Individuals with Autism

Recent research studied survey responses, interviews and basic self care assessments of basic daily tasks, such as bathing, brushing their teeth, cleaning and preparing meals, of 81 adults with moderate to severe autism. The results indicated the following: 1.  only 45% were employed. 2.  after taking into account symptom severity and communication ability, having good self-care […]

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Visual Perceptual Skills and ADLs for Children with Cerebral Palsy

The Journal of Physical Therapy Science published research on the effects of a visual perceptual intervention on visual-motor integration and activities of daily living performance of 56 children with cerebral palsy.  Each child with cerebral palsy participated in a visual perceptual intervention for 8 weeks, 3 times a week, for 30 minutes per session.  The […]

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3 Group Games to Help with Self-Regulation Skills

More and more research indicates that children with strong self regulation skills in preschool and kindergarten do significantly better on math, reading and vocabulary skills.  In addition, children who lack self regulation exhibit excessive weight gain.   Below are 3 group games to help children develop self regulation skills.  These activities work great for indoor recess […]

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Brain Breaks and RTI

To celebrate the 2015 ASHA Better Hearing and Speech Month in May, Speech Language Literacy Lab has partnered with 30 professionals from various fields to share tons of free resources and ideas across discipline about School Based Innovation and Response to Intervention (RTI).  See the end of the post for all the great ideas! School […]

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3 Activities to Get Moving with Math

Purpose: Practice sensory motor skills while reinforcing math concepts. These are some fun in class energy release activities. Materials: math flash cards, dice Activity #1 – Flash Card Fun for a Group: Have the group sit or stand in a circle. Create one rule for the group to start. For example, if the answer is correct […]

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Body Awareness and Spatial Relationship Activity

Need a quick body awareness and spatial relationship brain break that combines estimation with movement and motor planning?  Here is a simple activity that helps students to understand spatial relationships to objects in the classroom. Start out with each student standing up next to their desk.  Have them guess how many baby steps it will […]