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Bottle Cap Words – Fine Motor and Visual Perceptual Activity

I love this recycled project to encourage fine motor skills, visual discrimination skills and letter recognition. It is inexpensive. Just save some bottle caps (these are all water bottle caps) and you need white circle stickers. Just make some word strips and match up the letters. This is a great make and take activity to […]

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Relationship Between Handwriting and the Beery

The Australian Occupational Therapy Journal published research on 240 grade 2 children.  The researchers wanted to determine whether the  three subtests of the Beery Buktenica developmental test of visuomotor integration predicted quality of handwriting across and within groups of boys and girls classified as proficient, at risk or non-proficient writers according to the Concise Assessment Scale […]

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5 Fine Motor Things to Do with Loom Bands Besides Making Bracelets

Ever wonder what else you could do with loom bands?  Here are 5 suggestions that encourage fine motor skills, visual motor skills and hand strengthening (and none of them are bracelets)!  Get all the directions at https://www.yourtherapysource.com/freeloombands.html [subscribe2]

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Infant Responses to Tactile Input

Psychological Science has published research on 9 month old infants reaction to tactile input. The parents sat the infant on their lap while the experimenter stroked the back of the infant’s arm with a paintbrush. The experimenter varied the rate of the brushstrokes among three defined velocities: slow, medium and fast (0.3, 3, or 30 […]

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Fine Motor and Cognitive Skills in Down Syndrome

The International Journal of Disability, Development and Education has published research on 12 adolescents with Down syndrome.  Each individual participated in the Corsi-Block tapping test (e.g., visual working memory), the Auditory Memory span test (e.g., verbal working memory) and the Tower of London test (e.g., cognitive planning), and motor control, measured by the Purdue Pegboard (e.g., fine […]


Clay Marble Mazes

Clay marble mazes is a great activity to encourage hand strengthening, eye hand coordination, visual tracking skills and more.   Here is what we did: 1.  Cover a recycled, clean styrofoam tray with tin foil.  Use a small tray if you have a little bit of clay and large tray if you have a lot […]

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5 FREE Printables to Practice Scissor Skills and More

Here are 5 FREE printables to practice scissor skills, visual perceptual skills and motor planning skills: 1.  Step By Step Puppy – cut out the simple shapes and follow the step by step directions.  You can download it here https://www.yourtherapysource.com/stepsample.html 2.  Cutting Cards – Practice cutting skills on these smaller 3×5″ cards.  Download a few sample […]