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Parents Hopes for Outcomes in OT with an SI Approach

Parental Hopes for OT with SI Approach https://www.yourtherapysource.comThe American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research analyzing 275 parental responses to 3 questions on history intake forms regarding concerns and hopes for their children’s outcomes in OT with a sensory integration approach. The results indicated that parents had four types of concerns for their children:
1. self-regulation
2. interacting with peers
3. participating in skilled motor activities
4. self-confidence

In addition, parents were hoping that occupational therapy would help their children develop self-understanding and frustration tolerance to self-regulate their behavior in socially acceptable way.

The researchers concluded that assessment and intervention should focus on some aspects of self-regulation, social participation, skills, and self confidence.

Reference: Parents’ Explanatory Models and Hopes for Outcomes of Occupational Therapy Using a Sensory Integration Approach American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July/August 2014, Vol. 68, 454-462. doi:10.5014/ajot.2014.010843
